Wednesday, 28 March 2007

New phone Number

New number from now on is 07973737263

Old number you can still have saved as it's my spare.

Tuesday, 27 March 2007


Pinched from  

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Science/Math Nerd

(Absolute Insane Laughter as you pour toxic chemicals into a foaming tub of death!)

Well, maybe you aren't this extreme, but you're in league with the crazy scientists/mathmeticians of today. Very few people have the talent of math and science is something takes a lot of brains as well. Thank whosever God you worship, or don't worship, so thank no deity whatsoever in your case, for you people! Most of us would have died off without your help.

Literature Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Drama Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Social Nerd
Anime Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace

Friday, 23 March 2007

A Geek Classic

The primary purpose of the DATA statement is to give names to
constants; instead of referring to pi as 3.141592653589793 at every
appearance, the variable PI can be given that value with a DATA
statement and used instead of the longer form of the constant. This
also simplifies modifying the program, should the value of pi change.

-- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers

Oh and happy Caturday

Thursday, 22 March 2007

My New Roleplay game

If I could draw/paint etc this would be the cover for the game. For now I'm using non-profit free to use pictures of the web to make the pdf look more fun.

here's the link to the forum with the full pdf of work so far.

Game Chef

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Dark City

Just eyeing up B&B prices for that weekend. Any particular B&B to stay in??

Monday, 19 March 2007

Friday, 16 March 2007

Finished it.... so far so good

"Time to party!"

So yeah... pub tonight, wendyhouse tomorrow, TV21 sunday.


I really despair at shite written code that seems to do things when it's already been done and just makes no sense.

Frakking annoyed!!!

Need alcohol!!!

Sod it going to wendy house tomorrow. Frak!!!

"Play time ya' young rascals! Eeny Meeny Mieny TART, catch a little PUNK by the  HEART. If he squeals RIP him apart, YOU evil little bitch of a TART!"

Sunday, 11 March 2007


The Everything Test

There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests, purity tests, stereotype tests, political tests. But now, there is one test to rule them all.

Traditionally, online tests would ask certain questions about your musical tastes or clothing for a stereotype, your experiences for a purity test, or deep questions for a personality test.We're turning that upside down - all the questions affect all the results, and we've got some innovative results too! Enjoy :-)

You are more logical than emotional, more concerned about others than concerned about self, more atheist than religious, more dependent than loner, more lazy than workaholic, more rebel than traditional, more engineering mind than artistic mind, more cynical than idealist, more leader than follower, and more extroverted than introverted.

As for specific personality traits, you are adventurious (100%), adventurous (80%), intellectual (67%).

Punk Rock73%
White Trash59%
Life Experience

Your political views would best be described as Liberal, whom you agree with around 73% of the time.
Your attitude toward life best associates you with Upper Class. You make more than 0% of those who have taken this test, and 47% less than the U.S. average.

If your life was a movie, it would be rated PG-13.
By the way, your hottness rank is 71%, hotter than 96% of other test takers.

brought to you by thatsurveysite

Friday, 9 March 2007

Game over man, game over.....

Finally finished her in the labs... rest I can do tomorrow morning and by remote.

Phew.... head is gonna explody (as JTHM would put it)

Need the cooling ability of ethanol.


The code fucking works... finally.

Now to change the other one...... shite!

Well all I can think of is this.

Choose life,
Choose frakking,
Choose scrag,
Choose a veridian jumbolean,
Choose a half pint of pickled urchins,
Choose a merkin,
Choose crags.

It's ....

just one of them days, and not Monty Python.


Spent all day working out bugs in some code for my Bsc student so they can get their project done.

Very bored.

Hope new boots have arrived at home.

Need beer.

Save my brain.

It's tasty.

Death Kitty!




Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Monday, 5 March 2007

Happy multiple personalities day!

Get me those wonderful toys!!

Cyber goody

For the Piccy just look here

Drop Spots

Read the above site and enjoy the glory..... such a great idea.... I just might have to start one.

Crazo to the Max.

Engage, hoist and Digest!


Yes another server crash. Well this time a shut down as the MIB server room started to go into meltdown as the cooling system failed. So all that hard work on friday of restarting stuff.

Totally fucking pointless.



OH well means I just have to read stuff instead and prep my poster.

"I am Jack's pissed off cyclon. I get windows vista, reformat, and then Frak Jack to death!".

- Baltar - Battle Club Fight Star Galactica

Friday, 2 March 2007

Hackers of the World unite

So today has been... annoying.

Last night our server crashed so I've just spent the last hour hacking perl scripts to find out which of the 60000 jobs haven't been done yet so they can be restarted.


Hopefully it will all go to plan.

On a brighter note Paul like the work for the paper so far... needs to ironing out in places and more examples put it, plus we realised the neural networks may also solve another problem that has been at the heart of atoms in molecules for some time, called convergence (if you get the maths it's to do with convergence of tensors based upon the overlap of spheres... it's all to do with vectors).

Also Paul has agreed the first international conference I will go to will be Boston later this year.


Thursday, 1 March 2007

I'm still blue via a slightly geekier test

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

Love the Beeb

Just as I was about to run Mage tonight I find this gem on the net

Towers points to ancient Sun cult
The Thirteen Towers (Ivan Ghezzi)
The Thirteen Towers constitute an ancient solar observatory

The oldest solar observatory in the Americas has been found, suggesting the existence of early, sophisticated Sun cults, scientists report.

It comprises of a group of 2,300-year-old structures, known as the Thirteen Towers, which are found in the Chankillo archaeological site, Peru.

The towers span the annual rising and setting arcs of the Sun, providing a solar calendar to mark special dates.

The study is published in the journal Science.

Clive Ruggles, professor of archaeoastronomy at Leicester University, UK, said: "These towers have been known to exist for a century or so. It seems extraordinary that nobody really recognised them for what they were for so long.

Steps inside a tower (Ivan Ghezzi)
The towers have inset staircases

"I was gobsmacked when I saw them for the first time - the array of towers covers the entire solar arc."

The Thirteen Towers of Chankillo run from north to south along the ridge of a low hill within the site; they are relatively well-persevered and each has a pair of inset staircases leading to the summit.

The rectangular structures, between 75 and 125 square metres (807-1,345 sq ft) in size, andare regularly spaced - forming a "toothed" horizon with narrow gaps at regular intervals.

About 230m (750ft) to the east and west are what scientists believe to be two observation points. From these vantages, the 300m- (1,000ft-) long spread of the towers along the horizon corresponds very closely to the rising and setting positions of the Sun over the year.

The Thirteen Towers seen at winter solstice (Ivan Ghezzi)
When viewed from the western observation point, the Sun appears to the left of the left-most tower

"For example," said Professor Ruggles, "if you were stood at the western observing point, you would see the Sun coming up in the morning, but where it would appear along the span of towers would depend on the time of the year."

"So, on the summer solstice, which is in December in Peru, you would see the Sun just to the right of the right-most tower; for the winter solstice, in June, you would see the Sun rise to the left of the left-most tower; and in-between, the Sun would move up and down the horizon."

This means the ancient civilisation could have regulated a calendar, he said, by keeping track the number of days it took for the Sun to move from tower to tower.

Sun cults

The site where the towers are based is about four square kilometres (1.5 square miles) in size, and is believed to be a ceremonial centre that was occupied in the 4th Century BC. It is based at the coast of Peru in the Casma-Sechin River Basin and contains many buildings and plazas, as well as a fortified temple that has attracted much attention.

The authors of the paper, who include Professor Ivan Ghezzi of the National Institute of Culture, Peru, believe the population was an ancient Sun cult and the observatory was used to mark special days in their solar calendar.

The site contains a number of interesting structures

Professor Ruggles said: "The western observing point, and to some extent, the eastern one, are very restricted - you couldn't have got more than two or three people watching from them. And all the evidence suggests that there was a formal or ceremonial approach to that point and that there were special rituals going on there.

"This implies that you have someone special - the priests perhaps - who watched the Sun rise or set, while in the plaza next door, the crowds were feasting and could see the Sun rise, but not from that special perspective.

Written records suggest the Incas were making solar observations by 1500 AD, and that their religion centred on Sun worship.

"We know that in Inca times, towers were used to observe the Sun near the solstices, which makes you speculate that there are elements of cult practice that go back a lot further," Professor Ruggles told the BBC News website.

Blue...... azure

You scored as Blue. Your heart is blue. You are a very calm and relaxed person. You are very caring and like helping others. You're grateful for what you have in life, even if it's not perfect. People love you for who you are, don\'t ever change that- it's what makes you the great person that you are.



















~What colour is your heart?~
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