Monday, 28 April 2008

Another mixed bag

Ok so the last week or so has been hectic, worrying, exciting, tiring, energizing, relaxing and pretty much any other emotion under the sun.

It's taken a bit for me to get round to writing this (along with posting pictures for other things) and right now I'm at work making use of the internet access while I await for it to be connected at the flat.

So thursday, two weeks back now, was to be a weekend of fun for myself and Sam however things didn't work out as truths surfaced and emotions ran. It was a roller-coaster of things and really scared me to my core. I had thought I had done the right thing after a mistake in the past and unfortunately it seems that doing what I thought was the adult and right way of doing it wasn't, neither for myself or Sam. In trying to do the best thing I had betrayed her trust which I will always regret.

However if you are aware of Sam's post already, then you are also aware how that weekend, which was our anniversary, brought things into context and made me realize just how much I depend on Sam and love her. She may not be some scientist, have bags of money, or the best cook in the world, but at the end of the day it is the small things she does that make me smile and that made me fall in love with her, that let me forget about my worries at work and gives me hope for the future which I want to build with her. Simply she is the person I need to balance myself and complement me, it's seems joined to me at many levels. More importantly we find ourselves closer than ever.

However that's not to main focus of all this..... no no no!!!

So as you can imaging the week has been tough on both of us as there is no quick fix. Tension runs high, stress is let loose, and well to top off all our worries is the finding of a flat and moving out.

But all that has paid off. It's a new start. No longer am I living the crappy shared accomodation life, always getting surprised by the mess made in the space for 24 hours of me being elsewhere or why there are people on my sofa sleeping at 7am on a weekday. No. No more of that shite. Time for a change. Already I feel that some of healing for me and Sam is happening, I just wish I had a way to make her better quicker. But then I'm a martyr like that.

So now I simply have to wait for the new guy at my old place to get his guarantor form and rent +deposit sorted out or else I'll be paying out 2 months rent this week. And that would be the last straw after sorting out so much stuff at that flat.

In the space of a week we've found a flat, got all the forms filled out and moved in. Quite crazy really!

So Sam and I have now spent a whole 3 days in our new place. And I have to say it great. We're still in the process of unpacking but the main living spaces are done. It just the place I wanted, and more importantly to get for both of us. Sam has already had fun arranging things in the bathroom. The large mirror in there has been quite a feature for her. I now have a CLEAN kitchen where I can cook without having to clean up dishes from 3 days past.

Simply living like this will be just what I will need as the stress of final year PhD builds up.

I think that's it really. I'm sure some of you at some point will want to pop round considering it's on the doorstep to the Norther Quarter, and I'm sure we will have some sort of celebration there soon. But for now I'm just happy to be starting something new with Sam, something lasting.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Ok I need to do a proper post to update on cool stuffs... but first this.

Thanks to my esteemed friend/fiend and general font of all music knowledge, , I have gained quite the addiction to Spectra Paris.

Well for those who don't know them here is the lead singer in her other project, Kirlian Camera.

It's all good electro/futurepop... enjoy!!

She has simply an awesome voice.