Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Germany - A month and a half on


      Wow, time flies when you are in another country sorting shit out and having some fun. This last week or so has been a whole world of wow!

      First up, and this is important, life is now so much better. I mean that in all honesty. Finacially, things are looking up, work wise things are exciting, home life is better than ever due to a combination of the first two, and it looks like myself and my wife will be renting a great flat for the rest of our time in Germany. Now lets try and break this all down.

       I guess myself and Sam didn't begin to feel at home in Germany until one important event. Cutting our hair cut. Those of you are are aware of us more personally know that we do not have 'regular' hair cuts. So having our hair cut as we want is a big deal. And yet it happened. The guy who cut mine owned the barbers. He and his employee knew English well enough to understand what we wanted, and were quite used to English people wanting more interesting hair cuts. Be they students, or, because the barbers is located in the centre of Bochum, performers in the local hit musical sensation (obsession) 'Starlight Express' (Starlight Express, Starlight Express, STARLIGHT EXPRESS!). He also knew his anime well and so understood what I wanted. As for Sam's hair cut - wow. Put it this way, everytime she has gone for a cut in the UK the hair stylist always refrained from cutting her hair as short as she asked, always citing "Let's see how it goes this short and do it shorter next time", not realizing how quick Sams hair grows, meaning again they never take off as much as they should to match the expectations of last time. Well this time round - hack - the hair fell away and Sam got a edgy, ultra short, asymmetric hair cut. Plus to top it off the stylist was eager to tone Sam's hair to silver. Silver! Again something in the UK they always feared doing.

        So yeah, a hair cut makes the world seem great. Especially as it was something you feared would be a right pain in the neck to get done right.

       The next thing that has been going well has been my work. I am now back into programming in Fortran. Yeah you heard me. Fortran. Not heard of it because you work with Java, and fancy modern stuff.... well fuck you bucko! Fortran rules mathematical coding. It works. It's simple. And everything else in my field is written in that or C++. It's been a bit difficult at time getting back into it, remembering how to write print statements for files, how loops are called, and so forth. This is because SVL (the code I was working with previously) was like the bastard child of Fortran and C++. But I am now happily back in the zone. Plus my boss, Jorg, and I, are in the same zone with the ideas we are working on.

       Work. It pays. And it will pay well. I finally got my tax card through, with the correct tax class (Being married and the other half not working is a boon) and also it has been applied to both my upcoming pay cheque and to the pay owed me for the previous month. Something I feared would not get applied properly in time, and so resulting in me getting over taxed (I get taxed some 30% or so, if I was single it would be almost 50%, and well emergency tax is even more). This has happened to my friend up in Hamburg so I was worried. Especially when you want to put down a deposit on a new flat that will let you keep pets.

       Well that brings us to the housing situation. I have just signed a contract for a new flat. It costs more than most would pay. But it is worth it. Apparently we will be living in a posh bit of Bochum. But the place is fully furnished (no buying a kitchen for us - yeah read up on that one), has fully crockery etc, and is a warm rent (all bills, including internet). Plus we can keep our cats there.
        The deposit though is a lot. But fortunately, the agency said we should sign for 6 months, pay that portion of the agency fee, and then pay the remainder (they take a fee based on how long you are renting, maxing out at a bracket for 10+ months, which is an amount equal to two times the monthly rent). Well paying out 3 months rent in one go, plus the depost (another month and a bit rent) was a lot (hence my fear of getting paid correctly).
         Fearing the amount of money I had to find to pay in one go, I have been loaned some more from my mother and mother-in-law. So that was all the bases covered (especially as I had booked my wedding anniversary holiday back in October based upon budgetting assuming my correct pay and also getting the deposit back from our flat in the UK - I'll get to that).
           But things have now all balanced out. I have got my pay now confirmed, money to pay for deposits, I also got the money from December advanced to me, and also the deposit back from the UK - a whole 2 months later!
          Yeah that deposit. That has been the result of a series of emails, very frustrated emails, terse conversations, angry phone calls, and then finally a lame excuse from the landlord that they were waiting for the invoices back for cleaning the apartment. But they were willing to gives us back £600 pounds of the over £1000 deposit. Well thank fuck we got something back! And I have asked for the invoices as if they don't do so I can claim the whole lot back. So be careful when renting in the UK. Landlords there are cunts.

          So about the new place. We will be living near the lake, and near the castle, Blankenstein (yeah for real!). It is far larger than where we are living now, and what we had in the UK (which was unfurnished). So we will have double the space (78 sqm). So in terms of money the new place is a steal and makes renting in the UK look like a joke.

        So overall I can say I am more happy than I have been for quite a while. I have my wedding anniversary coming up (3 years) and I have a new home to look forward to. Work is a blast, and also I have a new rpg group in the works for Vampire. My sister has said that this is the honeymoon period, and that we will more than likely change our tune in another month or so. But I think that depends on the type of people you are. If you are typical, 'normal' types, then perhaps so. All the normal things are all changed when when you move. But if you are a rpg geek, computer nerd, science type, goth, you are more tied to niche sub cultures. Subcultures that between countries are in fact more similar. Due to this fact (and the fact that my work life is all in English) the culture shock has bee dampened by interacting with those that can guide us through the pitfalls.


Saturday, 14 January 2012

Killepitsch #killepitsch

Hey there.  Hell when  was the last time that I did a blog  post?


Stuff going on right now? Reading up on DFT and planning more out for my project. I basically am dissecting the data output from the quantum calculations, so far for simple systems, but then I will be looking at larger systems, and more importantly, periodic systems that represent the bulk phase of substances, and their surfaces. When considering these types of systems the data output is of course far more complicated.


This week has also been some what quiet as my boss is on paternity leave as his wife recently gave birth. He should be in next week but we shall see.

Otherwise we have now started properly flat hunting. However, I fear that for this month and the pay I am owed from December, I will be over taxed. Hopefully the best case is a normal taxation, worst case the emergency tax will bee applied. This is awkward as we will be wanting to pay agency fees and put down a deposit on a flat. This is also not helped by the fact that we are also stilled owed our deposit on our old flat in the UK. Fucking cunts!

Today however has been good. Feel properly at home in Bochum now that we have found an excellent hairdressers and so myself and my wife got hair cuts. Even better for my wife they cut it  exactly in a way that in the UK they often refrained from doing. Also it was really cheap! It is amazing what a good haircut will do.

Also today we found the local comic store. OMFG! So many collectable figures I have to get!

Otherwise just feeling a bit down as our friend in Hamburg is still having a tough time there with work, rentals, relationship stuff and getting taxed too much. It really sucks.


So now for the main event. Killepitsch. What is it?


The Killepitsch Story
A true story of a real
Düsseldorf specialty.

Once upon a time ...

"A genuine Düsseldorf specialty." The story of a real old town resident, with Hans Müller Schlösser, creator of the unforgettable "Schneider Wibbel" and Willi Busch, the old master of traditional customs:

It happened during the last war. The two old friends were huddled in air raid shelter on again, as they did so often, whilst the bombs rained down outside. "I say," Willi said, "If this goes on, they'll kill us too!" "But not as long as the two of us have quietly left something alcoholic to drink," said Hans. "We can not drink what we have not got," replied Willy. "How can you say that - you brew your own, do not you?" retorted Hans. "I can not," Willi said, "We're not allowed to. But I'll tell you one thing, Hans. If we get through this without getting killed, I'll brew something for you, a real lip- smacker. That will be some drink, I tell you. And I'll tell you what, we'll call it "Killepitsch".

This is the origin of the name "Killepitsch", but it was not a specialty yet. Not until 1955, when the small, well-stocked "Et Kabüffke" town bar opened in Flinger Strasse in the heart of the old. Hans came upon his friend Willi on the opening night. "Hey, Willy, what came of the idea Killepitsch is I bet you've forgotten all about it!" he taunted him. "No," said Willi. "I had not forgotten - it's been ready for ages Here it is -. Cheers Mmm, it smells delicious, like a garden herb, strong, not too vague, not too bitter And it must be good for the digestion -. It slips down a treat! "

And then this has been the reaction of many in Dusseldorf since. The old town and "Killepitsch" belong together. Try it for yourself and see! - Killepitsch - 42% alcohol.


OK. What is it like?

It looks like a syrupy, dark brown/red. The packaging is quite neat, obviously being marketed to a younger crowd these days and of course has quite the goth vibe to it.

Smell wise it is similar to Jagermeister. But without being so obnoxious, not being so heady with the anise smell. So this smells less like awful medicine.

Flavour wise, it is initially a sweet anise, that if you neck it, doesn't give you a rough shudder that Jager gives me. Otherwise it has hints of mint, coffee, molasses, orange peel, Angostura bitters, and even hints of Vimto of all things. It is difficult to pin down but it is far more pleasant to sip compared to the more well known, and renowned Jagermeister.

So cocktail ideas? I can see this being a good substitute for bitters in a Mojito or anything else which calls upon bitters. Perhaps also in a cafe coretto.


So stay tuned for my cocktail experiment with this liquor.



Sunday, 1 January 2012

2011 and going forward

    So it’s 2012 and idiots across the world will now be counting down to their ‘doom’ on the 21st of December. So before I go into a round up of the year that has been lets follow up my last post of my first week in Germany.
    Life in Germany is steadily getting better. Shopping for food is substantially easier now we know where to go to do it. This has meant that I have got back into making stir fry meals, pasta dishes and similar things. It feels good to once more be consuming a healthy balance of things.
    This last week has also seen our friend, James, who works at Big Point as a games designer, visiting, and spending our time watching plenty of movies. Buy a new TV and blu ray player when we got here was has made a big difference. We now also have all of Sam’s DVD collection and are over half way through watching all of Angel.
    Also on the subject of food we have finally found one place that does a decent brunch called Mandragora. Inside is dark like an old pub back in the UK. While outside are gurning gargoyles. So far it has been great, with a crazy selection of pancakes to eat.
    So onto the year in review.
    January saw a very cold winter with lots and lots of snow and myself and my wife in the flat with our two young kittens. I look at their pictures and it is hard to imagine them ever being that small.
    Also had a good time celebrating my birthday with my fellow Capricorn, and musical alchemist, Mark. We’re the same age (his birthday being the day after) and we share a lot of the same interests. Plus his girlfriend is the awesome Anna, aka Aiko273, who has photographed my wife. These are two people I am really greatful for making friends with.
    February is always special as it is the month in which I celebrate my marriage. Of course with the kittens this meant getting away was out of the question. Plus we really couldn’t afford it what with getting the kittens and paying for their medical care. It feels sad each time we cannot go back to Venice but then we did have the cats to think about, who have been a great addition to our lives.
    Seems a dead month. Roleplay wise we were close to finishing the Changeling chronicle, and had played a one shot of Fading Suns, and were preparing Exalted.
    April saw me join the Darker Days Radio team. Initially as a guest I am now a co-host, adding to the insightful thoughts of Mark and Mike.
    April also saw me start my first foray into freelance writing for games, in this case for David Hill and Filamena Young’s project, Amaranthine. I still need to run it at some point :(  . It was a good start at doing some writing and I hope to do some more again.
    Also April marks me being with Sam for 4 years.
    Saw a few good things. A paper being practically finished. More Darker Days podcasts. Running Exalted for a larger group of players. And also buying the Asus Transformer.
    If there is one piece of technology that has changed my life, the Asus Transformer is it. Fucking hell has it been worth it. Not only for being a web device. Not just for being an ereader. But it actually does make it easier for working on certain things. It makes life less cluttered. It also comes with a stupid amount of free storage space on the web! Hell i use the thing during games. It is just such a joy to use. I really want the new one, but that is just greedy.
    Also played on Mass effect and thought it was a pile of crap.
    We went to see the weird film, Rubber, at a showing that took place in the mausoleum of Warwick St Mary’s church.

I also played on LA Noire until I just couldn’t stand the constant killings of women and the misogyny.

We also got back some awesome photos from Anna from a photoshoot myself and Sam did back a few months before (I just can’t remember when.... sigh. It involved visiting and staying over in London which is always fun).



OK this was a weird month. I had got back info on some funding. I didn’t get it. And so began my mad panic to get further funding and applying for jobs. I applied to Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, a job in Italy, another in France, and also one in Bochum. The one in Bochum would become very important.



On the 10th I flew out to Bochum, and well the rest is history. I got the job on the spot.

The week before involved Sam being photographed by Anna again. This basically meant me sitting around reading a paper or two for my interview, and then having a good chat with Mark. Plus the two took us to an excellent Turkish restaurant.

I also had the pleasure of reviewing the new, revised edition, of Unhallowed Metropolis. A great game, which I can pick up the new copy in print form as it was in the local gaming store here in Bochum.

With the job sorted, and forms being filled out, I had to start working out how to end my Exalted chronicle early. This is always a shame but has to be done.

Also my most recent paper was submitted and off in referee limbo.



Birthday time month as Sam turned 26. Last year was quite a big party. For her birthday we had a smaller gathering, and lots of cake. The cake was a theme cake, with Harley Quinn on it. It was awesome and the start of an obsession with our local cakery and their fine foods.

Also September saw us getting the cats mega vaccinated ready for shipping them over to Germany (April time) and also me going to a conference in Barcelona. It was quite amazing, and a shame that I did not bring Sam, but then the conference meal was only for people there on business.



So the slow march to packing began.

I got back my paper with referee questions to answer and changes to be made. But it was all OK and sent back.



Saw the start of the end as roleplay was wrapped up, packing continued, and we had our leaving party. The party was a sort of late Halloween with a computer game theme and lots of cocktails.

Mark and Anna also came to visit us on last time before we left the UK.

The hardest thing this month was saying good bye to our cats as they were sent up to Sam’s mother’s place to stay until we were ready for them to be flown over. It was a really hard day saying good bye to them.


So that brings us all the way up to the most recent posts.


Looking back it doesn’t look like the most exciting of years, but then I think 2011 was really the year of doing little extravagant as money issues were still present and we also had to think of our cats. I honestly wouldn’t change the year though as I think as years go it has been a year of normalization, with new standards being set in place and new status quos. The main thing is that Sam and I our more settled with our balance of life, with her not working and writing, and me having a job. We have just found a better way forward which means less drama and stress.

Overall i am really positive about this year. I already feel renewed and ready to tackle my job head on and a push forward with things for gaming. The podcast has been a great addition to my life, and I really hope to be more creative this year with regard to my writing.


If there is anything I miss? My old gaming group, and brunch at Corleone’s in Leamington. I feel the last year involved making many good friends, friend who I wish I had spent more time with.