Thursday, 21 June 2012

Article: Final Fantasy 7 coming to Steam, leak suggests

Final Fantasy 7 coming to Steam, leak suggests

A new edition of Final Fantasy 7 could finally be released on Steam, a leaked product description suggests.
The fresh version will include Steam features such as achievements (36 of them) and cloud saving as well as online profiles for you to compare game progress with friends.
There will also be a new Character Booster item to max-out your HP, MP and Gil levels for when you "find yourself stuck on a difficult section or lacking the funds to buy that vital Phoenix Down".
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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

DmC - No just no

So at E3 the latest DmC video emerged. And to be frank, I am more than - not disappointed - more repulsed.


Lets remember what was great about old Dante. For me the main draw to the character was his tough guy attitude that hid a heart of gold. He had swag, he had style, he was a lazy fucker, but when the shit hit the fan he would step things up a notch. In many respects he could be described as half boiled. Also the music was epic and over the top with out being obvious.

So new Dante. We know that Capcom have now pitched this as an alternative universe and not a canon prequel (because if it were it rewrites a lot about Dante's origins).

But what do we have now. As far as I can determine the designers etc have gone for something more 'punk', more 'gritty'. But to be honest it comes of as childish and petulant. This new Dante is all about a fuck you and giving the finger to those in charge. Now I am one for rebellion, but it just comes off wrong. Also the swearing seems dropped in for laughs and to be edgy, and is not really an expression of any emotion. Old Dante swore, but again it was not this high school level, 'I just said a naughty word', feel.

Now for the music. Combichrist. Especially given the recent Kinetik-gate issues, I feel is not a great fit. Combichrist maybe 3 albums back would have been good. But not the current Combichrist, with lyrics laced with misogyny. Old Dante was a failing lady killer. He knew the ones he wanted, got the attentions of others who he would brush off, and excepted that his pick up lines were crap. That was his charm. But I would hate to have the new Dante also reflect the music of Combichrist. Just look at the Combichrist 'Throat Full of Glass' video. But I fear he will. Check out the new Dante being the pimp with his angels.

So a brief rant but it sums up my thoughts about why I will not be touching this product. There are no redeeming features about it. I could of happily had DMC 4 all over again with a new plot and nothing new gameplay wise. But no we get this vulgar piece.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Kalina wonders why the mortals woke her



Occult art show in Brooklyn

Occult art show in Brooklyn

by David Pescovitz,
November 30th -0001

David Pescovitz

Collector of anomalies, esoterica, and curiosities.

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