Samuel Araya is the best... and so the tale continues.
Kirsten stood naked in the chill warehouse, bathed in the pale bulbs above. Her sensual form contrasted against the dark of the mechanised enviroment. About her a circle of dark robed figures paced in a counter-clockwise motion, murmuring verses under the cloaking hoods.
Kirsten inhaled deeply, her cehst rising in anticipation, her desire growing, wanting to feel this 'power' wash over her. About her the chanting grew, reverberating about the store house and taking on a metallic tang.
Faster and faster the circle of warlocks paced, all seven drawing blades from within their shadowed coats, pointing with the glinting daggers toward the naked form.
The lights stuttered, and all about the vermin and insects hid.
The chanting grew.
"Orrooobaasss! OOOrrrrooooobaaaassssss!" The seven hoods, a mandala of black pawns, added further urgency to their calls. Kirsten shuddered, her body inviting the alien force to caress her.
The seven daggers darted back in toward their owners, followed by a snap of sound, the sharp tune of a taught eleastic band being cut. The blades flicked back to point at the female, drawing with them a crimson stream of fluid, the claret speckling the ivory skin of the woman. She gasp in ectasy. Her cheeks flushed. She tingled and felt the world fall away.
As one the warlocks were blown back, dark ragged sails on the wind, blown by a wave of cerise nebula.
Kirsten shrieked. This wasn't how they had been told that it would work. It should have been some blessing in honour of a spirit of life and dreams. Sparkled tears flowed down her cheeks and she trembled alone in the dark.
She retched, dropping to her knees. spilling out a mixture of acrid stomach juices. But also blood. The ferrous taste coated her lips. She whimpered and clutched at her belly, heaving up another foul mouthfull of mordacious fluid.
"Help!" Kirsten quietly whimpered. "It hurst. Its in me."
Her hands slipped in the bile and acid that coated the concrete floor as she tried to steady herself. She gagged again, falling onto her side with a wet thud, her body twitched and writhed in pain.
"Mum. Please. Mum?"
A miasma of gore and meat erupted from her stomach, rending her body open like and obscene flower, a mess of red and white petals. And there is the dark in its sanguinary birthing hall the being took its first breath.
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