The steel coffin of a lift rumbled upwards, its used and worn doors scraping past metal and concrete. The square tin can grated against the inside of the lift shaft. But then nothing. Just silence.
Mercury leaned back against the enclosed walls, his one boot lifted and rested against the shabby, corroded, lining. He looked up and watched the fluorescent light pane wane. The lift shuddered and lurched, by all the time Mercury maintained his footing and rode it out.
It almost felt like a life time had past when the tremourous encasement of sheet steel came to a holt. On the button pad the loan button gleamed, underlit by a vile green. Floor 13.
The lift doors creakily opened, grinding against the frame and their components. Mercury composed himself, adjusting the strap of his satchel and dug his hands into his pockets, drawing back his rain coat. It had gone from being a sticky heat to a ominous electrical chill, the hum of air conditioners filling the silence.
Before Mercury stretched a twilight corridor, lit by flickering yellowed lamps and the LEDs of network hubs and transformers. Along the edges of the corridor snaked length upon length of polymer coated copper. He paced out of the lift which promptly closed with it's signature rasping, and then only the dull thudding of Mercury's boots could be heard.
He passed rooms to either side, chambers lit only by desk lamps and dispersion lights over head. One was filled with box upon box of over flowing print outs, yellowed and crumbling with time. Another hosted a desk which was home to a miniature city, composed of stacks of floppy disks, with some towers collapsed, a domino effect of data. More bowes fill the room, their contents ranging from reels of tape to cassettes and more disks and zip drives. A faint patter gives the room life as liquid mercury pools from an unknown leak, the alchemical fluid a small pond amongst the towers of cardboard and magnetic storage devices.
As Mercury continued to wall down the hallway he often ducked under low slung cables that hung from the gaps in the ceiling tiles, the vines and creepers of conductors forming a organic black mass of shoots and branches. Clockwork whirring and wining, along with metallic skittering emanates from the alcoves, the green spider LED eyes watching with intrest the man walking below.
Mercury didn't stop his pace as he approached the double doors ahead, their mesh reinforced panes allowing only a slight haze to pierce the dust and oil coating them.
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