There was this weekend just gone my aunts wedding. It was ok save for having to franternise with certain cousins (oh didn't you have some one to bring with you??? No... not currently.... fuckers!) and of course aunts and uncles who lets just put it this way are quite shocked by my mere presence and have no clue as to what i do for a living..... at least those uncles that are married into the family are into being civil, as they too feellike outsiders... this bloody family is just fucked.
So with alcohol taken on and myself, mother, father and sister departing before the after party (though those on the grooms side were far better to talk to) I then spent the evening drinking with an old school mate catching up on what others from school are doing. Some have bred and stayed in the town. Others have been to uni and then come back. Most have left the hole in the world known as Kington. I don't blame them.
So Returning on Sunday and out drinking with
Running round like a headless chicken passing a mic round for doctors to comment on presentations at the 135th Faraday Discussion. Joy. Though at least this means free food for the next few days and getting to see Richard Bader (the previous mentor of my supervisor and founder of one of the most important theories and methods for Quantum Chemistry in the last 30 years).
Of course Monday was roleplay night, thus a mad french man possesed me for a few hours and revelry began in copious amounts.
So what does the rest of the week hold..... ummm.... maybe Torture Gardens..... well that was
I'm off to read a paper for tomorrow, and finish hoovering (yeah.... its that fun here... totally too tired to think).