I have my main project on the simualtion of water... which for the last 5 months is on standby while a certain computer program is sorted out. Everything is practically ready to use.
Then I have the protein force field I am working on. Again its all ready to test save for waiting for some data (some 10416 files are being produced).
Then there is the first paper I am writing that is dependant on some of the above data being created.
Add to that 2 Bsc students to look after and designing their projects. (One is done... the other isn't as easy).
Oh And plus to top it all 2 further side projects that might take shape.
Is this too much????
Well I know what to focus on but talk above having fingers in all the pies.
Picture time
This is the amino acid residue glycine as seen by our computer program. Pretty huh?
Ok back to work.........