Saturday was Sin, and it was quite a good night. Very glad I didn't go to monster after I learnt how packed it was. But I was soon joined by the lovely and .
Sunday was sleeping. Monged, writing for Mage now that Vampire has finished for the time being, Season 1 all over. Finally!
Well last night was a nice little drink with , , , and others that I currently can't think of the names to. Sigh. At least their party plans are going well.
Today is gonna be me buying a ticket to Combichrist and then working out how the hell I'm getting there. Hmmmmm.......
Picture time.
Pursor sat under the drawn shadow of the skeletal dish, the radial ribs reaching up into the wide azure sky. He placed his worn satchel at his side and slid off his long leather coat. Soon Pursor had a strange collection of items spread before him; a tarot deck, worn and dog eared, his laptop, silently whirring, a book on I Ching and ontop of it a darkened metal coin, a square hole cut through the centre, and finally his mobile phone and a GPS device. Isis looked at the curious miscellany, and also sat down on the soft grass, brushing her light saffron dress aside so as not to crease it. She intently looked at Pursor, his deep icy eyes gazing over the assortment of items before him, his delicate hands, pale like and bony, moving the devices into position, the entire act all part of some grander scheme. He paused for a second and scratched his head, running his hand through his messy sandy-coloured hair.
Isis reached out to the small bronze coin, about to pick it up. "And so that serves what -" But a quickly Pursor tapped here hand away.
"It's an Obol. A chinese coin. I'm just trying to keep some continuity here. We have fate to play with and the stars. You feel the power of this site don't you?" Pursor looked intently at her. It was annoying at times that Isis seemed so care free in the manner in which she performed her magics, as if she cared little for the actually outcome. He however had planned out ever element, each detail of the ritual days ago. Finally they might be able to get a lead on the location of the mirror. Hopefully they weren't too late.
"Power? Well I guess the place has a sort of atmosphere." She looked about, almost with a child-like amusement.
"Well it does. Think about it. It's places like these, like the pyramids, or at stone circles, that man has tried to draw down the heavens, see the patterns, lay it out on the ground and track it. And in this case we have also sent back our own designs, placed our own stars in the heavens. It's those that now have importance to man, that follow our paths." Pursor looked up, studying the skies above him. "Everyday satellites orbit us, some staying set in their place, others hurtling through the void. But they all send and receive, listening to our thoughts, speaking back to our dreams." He looked at Isis, her long raven tresses framing her slender frame, her heart shaped face, skin bronze from her Spanish ancestry. Some are lucky to not ever worry. Though it seems others have to worry for everyone else.
" So your going to perform a divination based on the satellites?" She frowned and looked up at the great dish.
"Why not? If man can read the stars and fly out to them with probes, then surely they are a sign of mans own creativity, divinity, and future." Pursor opened the I Ching and began to flip the obol. "Now shall we begin?"