From the top since last post. Transformers rocked. Fuck you all if you didn't like it! Complaints I have seen are pathetic. You see yes you 'have' to have humans in it for empathy sake of those who aren't fangeeks of the toys. Also Megatron being a space jet.... so what... plot wise it makes sense rather than some piddling little fucktard gun. Also product placement too some degree makes the world 'real'. Yes your nokia or ipod may just get up and rip your face off.
Overall I loved the film. Best thing of it's type in the cinema for ages. Kinda like seeing the matrix or Jurassic Park for the first time.
No I won't be reading Harry Potter.
Train tickets in place for Infest, a B&B is booked for Whitby so all is good. Other than that I had my second year viva which was good all except me fucking up one basic question. ARRRRAAAAGHGHGHGAAAGHAGAHAG!!!!!
Also my paper has been accepted. Just got a few corrections and so forth to do. But well taken by the referees.
Now after all that ranting I must be able to find something interesting to post up as a picture???