Yeah... again not updated in a while.
Here goes.
I still haven't written up the last day of the London conference but I will be posting pictures soon from it... le sigh.
Watched The Fountain which is bloody marvellous.... blew my mind away on a level which Pi and Fight Club never did.
Watching lots of the Tudors as I have it all from friends who kindly downloaded it.
Watched 300 on DVD, which is good but not as great as on the IMAX.
Eating Wispa's.
Being somewhat crazy.
Now into getting data and results from my code now that it all works.
Lookig forward to Whitby a week on Friday . :)
Watched Daywatch which is great.
General sloth of mooching while I don't spend money ready for whitby and also still waiting for money back from the Uni for my conferences. Annoyed much!!!