The last month has been one of ups and downs, mainly due to the need to move house as I and Sam really need our own space together. We've spent the last few weeks mainly going out for food and others bits and bobs, watching Charlie Jade and generally writing lots.
The Alec Empire gig was probably the highlight of the month so far, with some great new music of the new album. A very indie electro feel. Especially amusing when you had some people there wanting to 'start the riot' and throw shapes, but all that came out of the speakers was this new fangled electro of his. Of course some classic tracks were played and the support act, Modernaire, were awesome also.
This weekend was really just movie watching, sitting down to watch some Buffy with Sam, catching the Stargate: Ark of Truth film, and just trying to catch up on some reading.
However it always seems difficult to do these things when you don't feel that settled where you are living and want to escape and live with your the person you care most about and have place to yourself.
This weekend sees Muke's stag night in London down at Dead and Buried. Should be good fun and full of puerile antics.
On the work front one paper is now almost out of the press (it has page numbers) one is still to be submitted, my main project is still having fun problems and my new project with our new postdoc is going well while my other new project is showing results a lot faster while I still have another project on hold at the moment. I feel like butter spread on too much bread (thanks Bilbo Baggins for that analogy).
This next month sees me being less skint from Venice (which was so worth it... wish I was there now with Sam) and thus going out a bit more and moving flat (somewhere in town or in fallowfield area).
Oh and picture time as always.
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