The last month has seen quite a few things happen. Majeed within my group at uni passed his viva, which of course now emphasises how near the end of my PhD is. It's a bit scary but I have got my second paper submitted and now working towards number three and four.
We've taken the chance to go and see the Lindow Man and walk around the museum again to look at the things we missed the last time we were there. The Lindow man is a strange exhibit, both interesting when they try to present the body in respectfuly way as it is both underwhelming and interesting all at once. The quotes littered about the exhibition however are food for thought, asking us to consider the purpose of displaying one of our ancestors for the benefit others.
As for the football... Rangers can kiss my ass! I was utterly disgusted by what happened and more disgusted by the Council. What did they really think would happen?
I've also gone from white hair to black. Simply got tired of it, a pain to maintain. Plus it's now more of a blank slate once more for other colours.
We also made a trip to the main gallery to see the new exhibition which was strange to say the least. The room filled with the globes was fun, peering through the small lenses and seeing the tiny images before the map of the part of the world the picture was taken. We also watched, another part of the same exhibtion, a perculiar film of divers painting under water. It was all very surreal.
The weekend just gone saw my sister vriefly visiting the flat, with prospects of her moving back to Manchester for a new job. We still don't have sky working fully and the ordeal continues with the estates department of the company that manages my flat.
Today saw my final year presentation as part of the physical/theoretical/materials group of presentations. I thought it went well, though when my phone timer went off at 10 mins I was shocked as I had onyl covered a thrid of the material I planned to present. But I did it all in the end and the only question to be asked was already paritally covered by the slides. Win! I felt more proud arriving home and after cooking I checked my work emails to find a congratulations from my supervisor. Nice to know that I don't entirely suck.
This friday sees coming up from London to celebrate his birthday, meaning a trip to Negresco!!! Huzzah!!!!
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