I think my reaction was half disbelief and half stunned. This was just what I needed since Wednesday evening I had felt so down about jobs, especially what with the forth coming wedding.
I got home and gave Sam the tick stub from my train journey to Coventry. She didn't know what to say at first, fearing that it wasn't what she thought it meant. But then it dawned on her that it was true and that in the next month we would be moving down to Coventry/Warwickshire. Pretty good timing I feel as it naturally coincides with the wedding.
However, there was also the hope that UMIP would come through and that the university of Manchester would be able to fund the postdoc up here. But, as I found out yesterday morning, this wasn't to be. So I emailed Warwick back to confirm I would be taking the job. It also means that at this end my current supervisor will pay me for January to tie up loose ends and finish of/start papers and plan work and train PhD students.
It's and end of an era, having spent the last 7 years in Manchester. Getting to Manchester was the easy bit. Staying was harder as I got more and more annoyed at my degree not living up to what it should have been. But getting through the undergraduate years and reaching PhD had been worth it. Now I am able to start taking the next steps along the path to becoming a researcher of my own. Also in that time I have had my heart broken once, and found myself again, plus found Sam during these last two years of PhD, a woman I feel is my perfect match and soul mate. Someone who without I don't think I would have been able to have stayed quite so sane during these last few months. I honestly can't wait for the wedding now as it is an overdue holiday and also what I really want most right now, to be with Sam. Also I have realised that my family, though I don't see them as often, always come through when I need them most.
So there you have it. Later in January I will have moved to Warwick and started research there into the molecular modelling and simulation of transition metal complexes. It's not the far removed from my own work right now so the change should be too much of an impact.
Too all you guys I have met in Manchester, especially these last three years, I will miss you all. But then I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to meet up again at places like Wendy House, Whitby etc.
Other than that I think I have said everything. So if I don't see you before I move then have a Good Yule and and Happy Gregorian Calendar New Year.