- Sam's mum and aunt and her mum's friend came down to visit us and brought with them the weddign gifts that we could not bring back with us when we got back from Venice. We had a ncie day walking about Leamington, had food at Corleone's. I as typical right now got a bit depressed with the shopping as there seems to be nothing I want to get myself right now (be it clothes because the shops sell awful new rave monkey wear and because right now we can't afford anything like a new console or computer so buy computer games as a way to have a quick fix is pointless). I find shopping really annoying just because there is no way of quick gratification for me and I wonder why I am so difficult. I think it is made worse when I see people swanning about spending imaginary money, i.e. credit cards, when I am being careful.
- My sister Zoe and her boyfriend Rob came down this weekend just gone and we had kinda did the same thing, but this time trying to find my sister something for her birthday.
- Had the entire 'Yeah we can negotiate pets' with the landlord turn into and out right no after we had the entire weekend hoping that they would let us. Bastards. I fucking hate all estate agents and landlords.
- Actually getting somewhere with my work, as in finding that the program I am using has been doing some rather strange things that it shouldn't do.
- Started writing my next paper.
- Found out one of my papers has been cited other than by the Popelier group.
- Looking forward to going to London for the Alec Empire gig.
- Has got his hair cut finally. It was getting too long
- Has met a another newbie to Leamington, James, who works in the computer games industry and is not too geeky.
- Finally got a new roleplay group together and now looking to getting the first session running. See
That is all