On Friday I went up to Manchester and headed to the MIB to drop off my corrected thesis. Hurrah. I am glad to see that it all over. THe paperwork is in the post. I am now 100% Dr Handley, that's Dr Ether to you lot! The journey up wasn't great though as I was sat opposite the most obnoxious man who was addicted to the internets (he had a half dozen mobile internet dongles!).
Coming back I needed to walk swiftly from New St station to the Moor St station. I got there in time to grab the next train back to Leamington
Getting back myself and Sam went for pizza (finding pizza express filled we were asked if we would like to wait for and hour for a table... um no we'll go to Prezzo).
Later that eveing we then joined Sam's new friends Lisa, Lizzi and Fiona and went for drinks at WIldes and then at the White Horse.
Saturday was a trip out with James to Birmingham to go shopping (picking up some new dice and a book for Changeling: the Lost) and then a walk about the Sea Life Centre. It was great to look at all the strange and beautiful and creepy fish, especially the UV glowing jelly fish and the sea turtles, that were massive, one of which the was called Molokai. ALL HAIL MOLOKAI! Seriously though the start of the turtle exhibit had a huge sculpture of a turtle coming out of an egg. It was obviously a temple of madness since it led to a corridor of mirrors to get lost in.
Finally that evening we subjected James to [REC]. He was sufficiently creeped out!
Today is me starting something new, learning C++.