So this week I have been have great fun coding up a optimization algorithm that makes use of Genetic Algorithms. The result will be a code that works out all the parameters for me automatically. This is rather big improvement on how it is normall done i.e. making the changes by hand in a very tedious fashion. So things are looking good for the next week when all of this falls into place and the last 6 months will finally spawn some results.
Also this week I have booked myself in for my graduation ceremony, the 17th of July at the Whitworth hall. The colours of my gown will be something like this.

So yes black floppy hat! Otherwise the rest of the week has been very good. Great weather, the hamsters making themselves at home, and of this week there has been a conference at the uni on the subject of Molecular Dynamics. This has meant that I have had the joy of talking to Matt who still works in Manchester in the Popelier group, and who inherits my old work, and Dr Richard Henchman, who gave me a good reference for my current job! This has meant some good conversation, some new ideas, and a bit of a tour about the uni.
Otherwise, last night was the end of story 1 of Unhallowed Metropolis, and I have learnt that I need to make the setting more dangerous. Next time I'll push them all to the very bitter end.
Today I met up with Sam who was having fun in the park with her friends, many of whom are final year students at the uni, and then going for a cheap dinner at Prezzo with James and some of his frineds from work etc.
This weakend should be some fun as we have a bit of a bbq/piss up at Prof Rob Deeth's place to celebrate 1) Rob getting promoted 2) Me getting my PhD 3) one of Rob's PhD students passing his PhD 4) and a whole load of other good reasons.

Also this week I have booked myself in for my graduation ceremony, the 17th of July at the Whitworth hall. The colours of my gown will be something like this.
So yes black floppy hat! Otherwise the rest of the week has been very good. Great weather, the hamsters making themselves at home, and of this week there has been a conference at the uni on the subject of Molecular Dynamics. This has meant that I have had the joy of talking to Matt who still works in Manchester in the Popelier group, and who inherits my old work, and Dr Richard Henchman, who gave me a good reference for my current job! This has meant some good conversation, some new ideas, and a bit of a tour about the uni.
Otherwise, last night was the end of story 1 of Unhallowed Metropolis, and I have learnt that I need to make the setting more dangerous. Next time I'll push them all to the very bitter end.
Today I met up with Sam who was having fun in the park with her friends, many of whom are final year students at the uni, and then going for a cheap dinner at Prezzo with James and some of his frineds from work etc.
This weakend should be some fun as we have a bit of a bbq/piss up at Prof Rob Deeth's place to celebrate 1) Rob getting promoted 2) Me getting my PhD 3) one of Rob's PhD students passing his PhD 4) and a whole load of other good reasons.
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