Monday, 20 July 2009


So after graduation on the Friday Sam and myself attempted to organise friends to meetup during the day on the Saturday and on the Sunday. It was good to have a walk about Manchester and meet up with Alan before we went to fetch Sam who was just having her hair cut (as some of you may have seen the awesome result). Soon after we headed for coffee and had a chance to see Mel and Johnny before they headed off to a friends party. In the evening we then went to SocioRehab for a redux on mine and Sam's first date. Of course it was a little noisy there, but the cocktails were good, so long as you can remember what you like since there were no menus at all!

On the Sunday we had the pleasure of meeting up with Gillian and Aidan and Alan for coffee and cake in Kro Bar, before seeing Sam's brother playing at Trof that evening. Sam's brother, Daniel, is amazing at guitar, technically brilliant. But then most of the people performing that night (open mic night) were all good.

Well now we're back in Leamington. I guess I am lucky to have seen who I did, and I am grateful that some people can seem to make time to meetup, even for just a coffee. It's just a shame that even with plenty of notice that even an entire graduation weekend is a problem to sort anything out for, let alone the handfasting. I guess I can take a hint that either myself, Sam or both are not worth the consideration. I mean next time we were planning to be up in Manchester next would be for Sam's birthday, it now seems to not be worth the effort.

"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out."  ~Grace Pulpit

How true.