Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

My Wife is Amazing

Go See it Here!!!! Nice new Photos from this weekend!!!

Geist: the Sin-Eaters

So I picked up this little gem of a game. It's the 7th setting for the new World of Darkness and well it is proving to be very interesting.

Practicallly all other WoD games have setting steep in history. Not so with the Geist. You play a person that touched death and was brought back, more likely pushed back, by a Geist, which now cohabits your body. Before death you could see things, see the shadows of the dead, not you are death incarnate. The Geist is now part of you, a ghost so old that it had to change it's anchors to the world, and so has become something more conceptual rather that human. And your purpose in life? To keep the balance, much like the werewolf Uratha, you see it as your duty to more the ghost of the dead on from this world to the Underworld, and from there onto what lies beyond the Great Below.

I did get a chance to play Orpheus and have read Wraith and of course read about the Abyssal Exalted. All these are games about death. IN Orpheus you are ghosts, or people capable of ghostly like powers, working in the living world, trying to remove dangerous ghosts and spectors from our world. In Wraith it is about living in the shadow of the world, trying to stay connected to the living and also fighting against your darker half. In Exalted the Abyssal Exalted are those twisted by a near death experience and now possessed with the dark essence of a dead hero from an age long ago, and now you are tasked to bring the dead to the living and tear the world down while living in the Underworld.

So Geist has a lot of similarities to all these and thus far I have gathered that because of their rarity in the setting, the Geists have a fractured society, smaller than say the Changelings or the Mages. The Geists are also capable of using obscure pop science in their rituals, weird occult trash culture, all things are pieces that can be used for their arts. Some have said this is rather strange, that the Geists have no sense of history or culture. But I tend to think they are a bit like the Hollow Ones of old Mage, using what they find that works, discarding the old, like carrion they sift through society looking for the bits and pieces that will unlock lost powers.

SO far I have got to the character creation section and can see that these characters are excellent to play as but also excellent antagonists for Vampires, Prometheans, Mages, simply because these three can easily be involved with the dead (being undead, made of the dead, or simply being terrible wizards that can tear the walls of reality down).

Any way more here

A Secret Transmission within the Guild

  • 16:55 @Anthpants Hey I can see your name etc on FB but I can't seem to be able to friend you? It's weird. #

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Wednesday, 23 September 2009

A Secret Transmission within the Guild

  • 14:25 Sam and myself are in london all this week. If you want to meet up my number is on facebook #
  • 19:13 @danielmorris YO! Your phone number is not working! Tried calling etc! What you up to this evening? #
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Sunday, 20 September 2009

Fun despite it all

So we are in manchester waiting for the train back to leamington. Last night was wendy house and the night before we were out in manc hoping friends would grace us with their presence. But again, for the fourth time running we were left alone. This has happened for our wedding, my graduation and now Sam's birthday, two years running now. It is not like we ask others for their entire evening. And yes a few have valid reasons. But the same excuses are now becoming tiresome. I once thought i might miss manchester. I can say i don't. Is being married too boring for some? Is it because we're not going to a rave? It mean't we wasted money, time and effort, things that are in short supply. From now on we won't try an organise things in advance. If people deem us worthy of their time then they can ask us if we will be about if they know we are in the area. I guess people we thought were friends are just 'people we know.' i will say thank you to those who did turn up or even left birthday greetings. But as for the rest i guess we're just not good enough for you.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

A Secret Transmission within the Guild

  • 17:20 Everything is on schedule for tonight. #
  • 20:00 Is anyone coming out tonight. #
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Friday, 18 September 2009

A Secret Transmission within the Guild

  • 16:06 @digitalraven awesome just great. I have only read digital fortress as I know the rest are based on half baked truths from other authors #

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Thursday, 17 September 2009

This Weekend

This weekend Sam and myself will be in Manchester for her birthday and will be going to Wendyhouse. We will be about on Friday evening from 7:30pm at Kro 2 next to the BBC.

It would be good to see you if you can make it. I know some of you have already got this message on Facebook but still there are those that do not use that infernal website.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

4 Years Back

Wow where does time go.... that arrow, vector, through space time, piercing the fabric of space. About this time 4 years back I officially started my PhD. That means 4 years back I had finished my degree. It was also at this time that I was the best part of a year out of a long term relationship that had last through my undergrad days. My depression after this almost led me to fail my degree. It was at about this time that I was rediscovering myself and got into the goth scene. My music tastes had grown and caught up with me. I knew that this was a chance to be the person I was going to be for the rest of my years. The person I wanted to be, not the one I had to be previously. And of course even then 4 years ago I did not realise that I would meet so many more friends and of course evetually find Samantha and marry her.

Well this weekend has been a bit mad as Sam has dealt with her fears and anxiety of going to London on her own for her course. I can tell you that she has been having really good fun and learnt a lot. Meanwhile I have almost finished my first paper at Warwick and also got good feedback from the draft of my 6th paper for Manchester. SO it looks like I could get 5 papers done this year and still have about 3 papers to hear from in Manchester (my work is being used to churn out results so I just get to write some bits for it and get my name on it).

This week also see's my rp group expand as I may loose one player very soon. It will be a shame to loose James as he has brought a lot of life to the games and is a clever man and good friend.

Of course this weekend see's myself and Sam in Manchester for her birthday, going to Wendy House, and then the week after being in London to go and see Phantom of the Opera and other brithday fun and of course more module courses for Sam.

Oh and if you haven't seen Dorian Gray then go and see it. It was great. Very dark, gothic, and well executed.

Oh and my newer laptopn runs Dawn of War well so finally I get my wargame fix without having to buy and paint expensive plastic.

Monday, 14 September 2009


Ok no gaming this week... just movies on Tuesday.

I hope the new players (there are two) will be able to come tomorrow... if not they are coming over on Thursday.

Now also myself and Sam will not be here next week... so no gaming.

Also I would like to see some form of in character blogs posted from characters so we I can dish out some experience and have good in game reasons for why characters have aquired certain resources and abilities.

Meanwhile..... teaser for the next story

Bacchus drowns within the bowl - Troubles that corrode the soul"

Friday, 11 September 2009

Completely correct.


if (bbcjs.cookies.cookieData.user_cookie){

Your answers suggest you are ' + bbcjs.cookies.cookieData.user_cookie["personality_type_disp"] + '


Your answers suggest you are a Strategist

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Spontaneous, Ideas, Heads and Introvert

Summary of Strategists

  • Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
  • Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
  • Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic
  • May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping

More about Strategists

Strategists are quiet people who like to get to the heart of tough problems on their own and come up with innovative solutions. They analyse situations with a sceptical eye and develop ways of measuring everything, including themselves.

Strategists are the group most likely to say they are unhappy in their job, according to a UK survey.

Strategists are generally easy-going. They are intellectually curious and enjoy abstract ideas. Sometimes they like thinking of a solution to a problem more than taking practical steps to solve it.

In situations where they can't use their talents, are unappreciated, or not taken seriously, Strategists may become negatively critical or sarcastic. Under extreme stress, Strategists could be prone to inappropriate, tearful or angry outbursts.

Strategists may be insensitive to the emotional needs of others or how their behaviour impacts the people around them.

Strategist Careers

Strategists are often drawn to technical or scientific careers, where specialist knowledge is required. They also seem to enjoy jobs that involve long-term planning, abstract thinking or design.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

Overall results

The graph below shows the percentage of people with each personality type out of everyone who has taken this test.

Big Thinkers

Read about the 16 personality types from the What Am I like? Personality test:

Big Thinker,Counsellor, Go-getter, Idealist, Innovator, Leader, Mastermind, Mentor, Nurturer, Peacemaker, Performer, Provider, Realist, Resolver, Strategist and Supervisor.

Do these personality types sound like anyone you know? Send this personality test to your friends: