Thursday, 24 May 2007

Week so far???

So Monday was quite an amusing roleplay session for vampire: the dark ages, Gregoire didn't fuck it all up at the last minute. Great. It was all very splinter cell like.

Last night was spent mucking around with jam, latex, makeup, food colour, corn flour, golden syrup, all just to make some fake blood. Great fun, there should be pictures somewhere of our willing victim.

Tonight is the last part of the current mage story and a bit of a break as I free up an evening so I can write up my second year report.

Tomorrow is PotC3 with and then maybe Implant.

Changes on the conference front, so to give me more time to get the results I need it looks like Boston is off, but New Orleans is on in the Spring. Just now need to find a European conference for the late Autumn/Winter

Ahh and my Emilie Autumn CD 'Opheliac' turned up this morning. Tis great