Generally been a bit up and down working on this paper waiting and resubmitting data. Yawn. However the graphs are now taking proper form and a better picture of the results is forming.
However Thursday did see me totally forget a literature meeting and getting an bitchy email of my supervisor, however there was only so much blame I was going to take for missing it as these meetings had been jumping around the weeks rather than being on the normal friday slot.
The semi kick up the arse has been good for motivation though. When it's just you looking after your work it can get a bit tedious.
However the rest of this weekend is set to be good. Last night was 28 Weeks Later with . Uber scary, well i guess so if your that type (I'm certainly not and only flinched once, and instead just looked on in awe at the madness).
Tonight is a wedding reception with the good lady and then onto TV21 to meet with the binsraad, followed with Monday being the Manga night at TV21.
Add to that the great new cds of Emilie Autumn I ordered (got the Laced/Unlaced album.... pure violins) now just order the first album.
More than likely will get the ep's as well.
Picture time.