First some fun facts...
Fevers are not to be confused with heat stroke. In fever the person can feel cold at high body temperatures since the body is fooled into thinking it is cold by the infectant microbe affecting the point that the body thermostat is set at. It is literally set higher than usual.
- 37°C (98.6°F) - Normal body temperature (which varies between about 36-37.5°C (96.8-99.5°F)
- 38°C (100.4°F) - Sweating, feeling very uncomfortable, slightly hungry.
- 39°C (102.2°F) (Pyrexia) - Severe sweating, flushed and very red. Fast heart rate and breathlessness. There may be exhaustion accompanying this. Children and epileptics may be very likely to get convulsions at this point.
- 40°C (104°F) - Fainting, dehydration, weakness, vomiting, headache and dizziness may occour as well as profuse sweating.
- 41°C (105.8°F) - (Medical emergency) - Fainting, vomiting, severe headache, dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, delirium and drowsiness can occur. There may also be palpitations and breathlessness.
- 42°C (107.6°F) - Subject may turn pale or remain flushed and red. They may become comatose, be in severe delirium, vomiting, and convulsions can occur. Blood pressure may be high or low and heart rate will be very fast.
- 43°C (109.4°F) - Normally death, or there may be serious brain damage, continuous convulsions and shock. Cardio-respiratory collapse will occur.
- 44°C (111.2°F) or more - Almost certainly death will occur; however, patients have been know to survive up to 46°C (114.8°F).
Ok now I've got my evil streak out the way you may ask why no more short story entry.... well its in the works..... trying to get the dialect for a character right takes a bit of time.
In other news.... work is boring but easy enough..... back to my normal work plus mucking about with ways of making the random number generator on the computer more random.
Also working on my Etherscope one shot as a way of getting into D20 gaming.... oh well.
Binhead pictures to come later this evening at the Binhead community.
Wendyhouse with
Is there anything else to say?? I dunno.... of to Cambridge tomorrow back on Monday.... going shopping in Camden on the Saturday. I need the break. The last week has been a bit much (handing in final report, women, gin drinking, the damned heat!).
So for the week ahead? Other than my weekend away? Well I guess it'll be more work as normal. I have no clue for the next weekend though? Ideas?