The 17000 word transfer report is finished. A pretty comprehensive review of water potentials and also the overview of my work so far on this subject plus my collaboration work on a protein force field. The expected size of the report is meant to be 8000 words.... I hit that with just my lit rev.
So last friday was Implant, which was a good blast with
Sunday was sushi with most of those I was with at Implant. £70 bill for 8 people?? When it was really some where in the region of double that? Ok sure we'll pay for that and go get more drinks. Idiots at New Samsi. I can just picture ninjas hunting down the foolish waiter.
Ok tuesday night... guts aching and I spew. Fun!!!
Only just recovered from it properly.
Oh and on Wednesday... check my emails.... yep my literature presentation is on Thursday not Friday. FUCK!
Up until 3 am reading about one of the latest water models for the presentation. Really I should have been spending that time writing my report.
This morning the presentation was easy. I have these down to a T now. Though I think I came across to the new guy as very cynical about the field of research. Oh well it was good practice explaining how the paper and my work fit together.
And then at 00:30 am I get back from work having printed out 3 copies of my 87 page report. Tomorrow I hand that in, bank my grant cheque, and get in contact with my old landlord to get my deposit back.
So the weekend ahead??
Read some rpg books. Read some of Paradise Lost, plus go out tomorrow night on the piss to Cock (Rock) World, and from then on just catch up on my writing.
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