So yeah... spent thursday on the train coming down to Cambridge to visit my sister and then have spent today in the town walking around.
Great architecture... really amazing amounts of local history and nice local books shops (one which is apparently haunted), plus lots of market stalls. It was fucking boiling though.
Now for the gripes with the place. Yes I had to have a good old frappachino calm down plus constant mp3 player blaring to cut my frustation.
Now I have no problem with the idea of bikes everywhere but whenthey seem to think they have right of way everywhere it fucks me off.
Oh and punting.... what the fuck??? Sorry not my idea of fun. Well maybe if I had alchohol but really its just an excuse for snobs and americans to think its rather fun. Go figure.
Oh well picked up some fun books. One by Michael Moorcock about a future victorian styled society, another by Neil Gaiman called Neverwhere, the same setting as his comic, and also a Will Gibson one called Pattern Recognition, very contemporary since it was written in 2003.
Oh and to finish, you know that series where the guy goes round on a bike hunting down for cowboy plumbrs etc at their homes. Well looks like their filming just down the road.