Clara was lost in the fun fair. She had only gone off to watch one of the scarier rides, but then when she turned to see her parents hey were nowhere to been found. Her mum had always told her not to cry, and she didn't. Anyway, she had her candyfloss. She just needed to take a deep breathe and walk to find a policeman. They were always helpful she had been told.
Wondering past the spinning tea cups, shiney ladybird carriages, coconut shys and other larger and wilder rides she teetered through the maze of walking legs. Lights shone and shirens wailed, echoing the screams fo delight of the bigger kids who were allowed on the better rides. 'No fair,' Clara sulked, her tantrums few but loud. She was often known for taking revenge on her dolls and stuffed animals. A few months ago Garfield had taken the brunt of her outburst and ended up with his entrials of cotton strewn across the living room for her mother to hoover up. 'I want to go on one.'
It was from the corner of her eyes that she spotted perched upon the merry go round, up upon the microsized double decker a strange little fellow. Eyes made of smartees, his buttons and suti seem fashioned from sweet icing sugar. his lips a E number red. But as soon as she spotted him he was gone.
'Hey wait mister!' Clara giggled and took off looking for the tiny man. Her eyes darted about, wide with awe and filled with tales and nursery rhymes. 'Where'd d'ya go?' She gobbled another tiny cloud of her pink candy.
It was there in amongst the forest of legs and people that she spotted her intended play mate. He was jogging through the crowd, stumbling over the huge feet as he was only the size of a small baby, his feet baked cake, golden and ever so crumbling as he tripped. But no one noticed the animated biscuit. he merely got up again, scowled at the gargantuan humans, shaking his fist, and then darting off again.
'Waited!' Clara called after the baked gentleman, scurrying off to follow the delightful being. She rounded the corner of on of the tents, the tattered red and yellow plastic fluttering in the autumnal wind, a dead leaf of laquered fabric. The little man was gone.
'Where'd d'ya go mister? Hello?' Clara continued past the tent and toward the fence where the fun fair met the nearby woods. 'Hello mister Ginger Bread man? Heeelllloooooo?' Her bright blues eyes searched about. She was filled with joy. Ginger Bread men were real. Her friends would be so jealous shethought. Maybe he'd come home with her. Then they could play together for ages. A giggling laugh came from her lips. 'I can't wait!' She continued towards the fence, peering into the deep throng of trees, the only sound being that of the breeze rustling the forest floor, kicking up ruddy leaves and rattling skeletal branches. 'Miiissteeeerrr! Can we play? Do ya' want to come home with me? Daddy has made me a big house that you can live in.' Still no reply. 'Pleeeaaasseeee?'
From behind one of the gnarled and rotting trees appear the little man of sugar and biscuit. Jauntily he waved and skipped about before runing off back into cover of the trees.
'I'm gonna get you' Clara fumed, 'and then your gonna be my little pet!' She slid past the railings of the fence, dropping ehr candy floss on the damp grass and rushed off after the curious pastery man.
For a number of minutes she ran, catching the rare glimpse of the Ginger Bread man as he darted between the trees. He was so fast for a man with such little legs. But Clara continued, and the trees grew thicker and darker. She stopped panting, almost at tears. 'Why won't ya' play with me!' She protested and balled her hands tightly.
'Hey, over here.' A squeaky little voice replied from the trees. Clara followed the playful reply, picking her way over roots and piles of leaves, mud now caked up her shoes and onto her coat.
'Oh there you are!' Delight crossed her face as before her on a stump sat the little cake man, his ruby lips of icing grinned. 'You ran me about a lot. Naughty you. I'm going to have to teach you a lesson.' She tutted, just as her mothered did, shaking an index finger at the nursery being.
'Who me. I am Lord Ginger Snap Dragon,' and he hopped off the tree stump and pointed just behind her. 'And these are my associates.'
From out of the woodland emerger 2 other tiny creatures. The first was a dark rabbit like being, sharp teeth made of icicing and a hide of blackest chocolate. The eyes beady and garnet. The other was in complete contrast, a bulbous figure of marshmallows, bubble gum and eyes of hard gums, the sugar glistening like a thousand little eyes. Clara just gasped.
'This is Coco Lucky Foot,' he walked up to the cocoa rabbit and patted him on the rump. 'And this is his Honourable Fizzle Worth E203,' the sugar powdered clump of sweets burped a whispy reply.
'Hello. Do you live here?' Clara was beside herself in amusement. No one would believe her. Well that was unless she got all of them to come home with her.
'Live here? Oh why yes my sweet child. I and my companions have been here for many many years. Our last time out was when the fair was very different. Filled with the freaks and outcasts of man. It was very fun though.' Snap Dragon raised a hand to his mouth and laughed, and so did the others, the chocolate rabbit thumping a candy foot on the ground in jest.
Clara was lost for words.
'Now my dear to business.' Snap Dragon sauntered forward, his sickly smile turning grim, sucrose teeth just visible behind the red lips.
'Yeah, business.' Burped the mound of sugar and fat that was Fizzle Worth. 'Get on with it Snap Dragon!'
The cake man turned to regard his comrade. 'Fizzle Worth, calm yourself. These matters must be savoured.' He shook his head.
Fizzle Worth croaked and coughed up another cloud of flavouring and colours, and alien mist in the depth of the forest. 'Sorry. Excuse me good Snap Dragon.'
The chocolate bunny hopped forward approached Clara, sniffing at her. 'She's well fed I must say,' he looked her in the eye. 'Have we been a good girl this year? Santa would be very disappointed in you otherwise. Bad girls get coal.' Coco grinned and savoured every word. A wet tongue lapped out and licked his teeth.
Clara stood to attention. 'I've been really good this year. I've done all my chores and not argued once.' She was smug.
'Lies!' Blurted out Snap Dragon. 'All lies. My dear it seems you haven't the slightest clue what lies will do to you. I remember once a young boy, about your age I think. Claimed her was of a good caliber. Turned out he was a little thief. Isn't that right?'
The two candy beings replied to their leader promptly.
'Now you my dear my not be a thief, but that doesn't mean you haven't been mean.' The Ginger Bread man turned from Clara and sighed, shaking his head. 'I mean wrath is one of the worst sins.' As one the entourage of sugary food turned to regard the little girl. Sharp fangs bared, their eyes burning a crimson of hate and hunger. 'And no one likes a bully!'
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