Bugger... slept too long. Up last night, after watching Apocalypto with , which is an ace film by the way, quite shocking, I was working on a character sheet to go with my short story. I have one more level to apply to the character, though it has made me quicker at doing this for D20, but it doesn't mean I like it.
Today should be pretty good as I have rerun some data for my paper, got into a new field of research that is about the classification of bonds by using quantum mechanical descriptors (yes were in giant killing territory again), and later off to the pub for 's birthday. And then all again tomorrow and off to Lash.
Earlier in the week nothing much other than going to Geek Up with .
Also started reading Bloodtide by Melvin Burgess, and Chung Kuo by David Wingrove. Both different so as not to confuse me while reading both.
Picture time.
Based off a conversation last night and a piss take on Time Trumpet is bring you insurgents.
As Americans (well that's a bit harsh... lets say the administration) like to call terrorists...... terrist!
Well here I bring you terrierists!!!!
Woof woof, bang bang, oh fuck your dead!
++Oh edit++