But it done now and the character, Gyre, is ready.
Phew.... so thats a short story (not that short a story), the background for Gyre and his stats done. Next??
Well I still have a Vampire game to finish off.... at last I can focus on just puttin dots on a sheet, oh and working on the next article to write... hmmmmmm... I still have those books on victorian society to read through..... damn more books to read. O.O
Oh and work has been sweet today. Very good. The force field may actually work (force field meaning molecular model... not the start trek type). It really does pump out some nice numbers. Time to get those into the paper.
Oh and another attempt at a meal from my Wagamama cook book. Was very yummy.
Right I need a graf, tea and to just sit and read.
Oh and just because I love this image
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