Whats it all mean, any plans for the year in total.
Well we do have getting a few papers published and also finishing off a few programs.
There is also the writing which i really need to do some more off tomorrow.
On top off all that there is life it self. Holiday wise I have no clue where I want to go. So long as it's good value and fun I don't care. Being toying with the idea of Venice, Barcelona, Greece, but also I have the chance for some international conferences... one being in Boston that has my eye on it.
The only downer in all this is being single. This year has really been a year of ups and downs and extremes. I have a better idea of what I am looking for but It that good old waiting game.
Oh look I have a new logo. Was in total WipeOut mode and thought I'd design some thing cool, very Etherscope as well.
Now of course there is my birthday coming and plans and now being put into action for it. Ideas coming together.
Right video this time
Have fun guys