It was strange. Almost like being there and not being there. Some of the things I said in conversation were stock Kris comments. But others.... well lets just say a new confidence has appeared. It was kinda sad to leave them to it and find the others but then they aren't my priority anymore. Though I did get the impression from and old mate just how much a lot had changed in the last few years.
And that was exactly the same story when I went home for xmas.
People just going off and making their lives while others seemed happy to kick back in Kington and breed. I just don't get it.
Most of x mas was spent coughing up my guts (still am a bit but tis better now). Also went to see the grandparents, my grandma on her last legs and me just thinking "thank god I'm away from the hell that will be the inheritance madness". I am not looking forward to seeing how that will turn out. Mainly for my fathers health.
But hey. Fuck it. Another year, some new chaos (thank Eris), some new plans forming, old ones finished, and current ones solidifying.
Well all you out there just remember it my birthday soon. The second one in 8 years free of exams. So there are plans for a shindig down in London.
More to come.
Picture time.
Remember - every second is the start of one world and end of another. What difference will a day make?
Happy New Year all!
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