I know it only my geeky rpg stuff but last night I was able to design and start outlining the last episode of my Vampire chronicle, well for the first season at least. It means after x mas and new year I can play out these last stories and finally hand over control of the chronicle to Barnby and focus on other neglected games (mainly Mage and Werewolf) and also finish off the Vampire chapter of my ebook (this book is becoming a bit fo a beast but the results are good so far.... just need to keep writing).
How about other things?
Nothing else really has happened. Bought a hard drive so I store all my crap (currently formatting the fucker from FAT32 to NTFS), working away and doing the usual. All quite boring.
Well hopefully friday should be interesting, what with it being the last night before x mas that i'll get much of a chance to see any of you guys.
Well back to work, peppermint and liquorice tea calls.
Picture time

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