Thursday saw the drinking continue with me turning up at GC to find , , , , dorothy and others. phuturatica and trashkitty finally arrived and tofu produced cassi's present, a metal puffer fish. Very cool. Drinking continued on until the asshole that is the manager/landlord/twat of GC turned up the volume to ear drum exploding levels. Salisbury anyone??? So we made tracks and changed where we were drinking... though only to have tofu spill drink everywhere, and to all end up staring at phuturatica's psuedo nipples.
Friday, and the drinking doesn't stop! So I of course have had an ok week at work, getting quite a few things ready for the xmas period so I pillage the server and get a good thousand cpu hours out of it. Well I needed to go drinking again. Cocktails????
Well it worked if we weren't so skint. So myself, , and went to first Retro bar, then Harry's Bar (why???? oh it was my idea.) Harry's of course has changed since the merger and so there was no seasonal cocktails, and with crap music, drunk maths students, and people from my department dacing like loons.... it was quite funny. So onwards..... and where did we land.
Oh classy idea.... again from me. Baa Bar. So with shooters in hand, cigars, brain damages, the eventual arrival of , the dancing continued and of course more drinking. But what is a Vibro Sprout shooter??????????
And that then leads to last night. Oh god....
So the evening in question is refered to as the Case of the Silver Bullet. With Brandy, cigars, gin and food on hand the case began.
First was the introductions of the suspects. The host for the evening was a Mr Neil Gibson, aka. , a businessman from south africa who owns a number of Gold mines. the Reverend Marlow Bates, aka , a sternand intense priest, the governess of Gibsons children and his confidant, Miss Dunbar, aka Zoe, a woman a white as snow and pure of heart, the Countess Von Orlock of Romania, aka Viki, who is something akin to a ruthless businesswoman and vampiric looking. I was Juan Pinto, a businessman from Brazil, and also the brother in law to Gibson via our now dead sister.
The case progressed, accusations flying, Juan being pointed out for wanting the coffee plantation inherited by his sister from their dead uncle. The countess was ruled out of the murder as the gun may of been her's but that was just be too obvious. Dunbar was pointed out for having access via the balcony while Gibson of course was a suspect as his previous wife was also dead.
It was then revealed that the window was open to Maria (the dead woman) room, and that this was linked tot he full moon and the superstitious belief that it is bad lunk to view a full moon through glass. Also it turned out the bullet was silver. Did Von Orlock think Maria was a vampire?
Of course things progressed, information uncovered and divulged leading to the final confrontation. Most eyes were set on Juan, however the cold hearted mind of the Countess pointed out the real killer, Miss Dunbar, who wished to save the fortunes of Gibson with the inheritance of the plantation and marry into the family.
So the night wasn't over yet. Puerile photos were taken and of course a game of binhead.
Anyway I bid you good tidings if I do not see you. In the mean time........
Everyone is a suspect. Trust No One.
Neil Gibson Juan Pinto Countess Von Orlock Grace Dunbar