Monday, 29 December 2008

Leaving Party/Birthday

OK so as you should all be aware I am leaving at the end of January for a new job at the University of Warwick. This does mean that I am leaving behind a good number of friends. I even admit that over the last few months I may not have been much of a friend myself but I hope you can understand the importance of getting this thesis completed, getting a new job and getting married is to me.

So in light of all this I am hosting a leaving/birthday party at my place on the 9th of January. I know some of you have already got plans in motion for things for yourselves but I would really like to see you there, even if it is for a few moments to say hi etc. Plus I will be 26 on the 18th of Jan, the day before I start my new job, so I think the 9th would be a good time to celebrate.

Start Time:
09 January 2009 at 20:00
End Time:
10 January 2009 at 11:00
Flat 305, Market Buildings
17 Thomas Street
Manchester, United Kingdom

Hope to see you all then. Details above. If you need more info on where then give me a call/email/comment.

Have a Happy New Year.

[1.] What did you do in 2008 that you have never done before?
Been to Venice, got engaged

[2.] Did you keep all of last years resolutions?
Did I have any?

[3.] Have you any resolutions for next year?
Enjoy my new job, make Sam proud, have the best wedding ever

[4.] What countries did you visit?

[5.] What would you like to have in 2009 that you didn't have in 2008?
More security and fun and happiness.

[6.] What date in 2008 will remain etched in your memory?
28th Jan... my engagement to Sam

[7.] What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting my new job in Warwick, getting engaged

[8.] What was your biggest failure?
Loss of trust between myself and Sam

[9.] Did you suffer any illness or injury?
Maybe just stress

[10.] What was the best thing you bought?
My new jacket which I wore to my Warwick interview.

edit: Oh... and of course Sam's engagement ring, the wedding rings, and all her new jewelery for xmas.

[11.] Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Friends who didn't seemed to express real understanding when things got bad.

[12.] Where did most of your money go?
Living, surviving

[13.] What did you get really really really excited about?

[14.] What songs will always remind you of 2008?
Spectra Paris - Mad World
Diary of Dreams - Bladerunner 2001
VNV Nation - Joy

[15.] Compared to this time last year are you :
[A] Fatter or thinner? Fatter. Not by much but it helps with the cold. It's healthy weight.
[B] Happier or sadder? Happier. I have a new job, my thesis complete and I'm getting married in Venice to the most wonderful woman in the world. Who else has any of that?!
[C] Richer or poorer? Poorer, but only in the short term.

[17.] What do you wish you'd done less of?
Being angry and stressed.

[18.] How will you be spending Christmas?
Spent it with my fiancee.

[19.] Which LiveJournal users did you meet for the first time?
Ermm.... Oh Kirsty is coming over soon so I guess that's one.

[20.] Did you fall in love in 2008?
I already was.

[21.] How many one night stands?

[22] What was your favourite TV show?

[23.] Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No. I just pity them.

[24.] What was/were the best books you read?
Not had much time to read stuff but Chung Kuo is still great. Can't wait for it's re-release.

[25.] What was your greatest musical discovery?
Spectra Paris

[26.] What did you want and get?
A new job! Support of my family when I needed it most.

[27.] What did you want and not get?
Nothing. I don't ask beyond my means or those of others.

[28.] What was your favourite film this year?
Umm... The Dark Knight.

[29.] What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I was 25 and went to Negresco for absinth.

[30.] What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
If I hadn't been a fool before this year and that I had put more effort into the PhD to get it done on time.

[31.] How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?

[32.] What kept you sane?
My fiancee, family, work.

[33.] Which celebrity did you fancy the most?

[34.] Which political issue stirred you the most?
Credit Crunch, Barack getting to power.

[35.] Who did you miss?
My mum when things got really difficult.

Friday, 19 December 2008


Ok so the last post was really quite brief. So I was meant to hear about the Warwick postdoc on Friday lunch time. Instead, after a half hour chat with Paul on Thursday evening about work, the thesis and papers, I returned to my desk to pick up my stuff to go home. I sat down to check my emails first and then there in front of me was the offer of the position.

I think my reaction was half disbelief and half stunned. This was just what I needed since Wednesday evening I had felt so down about jobs, especially what with the forth coming wedding.

I got home and gave Sam the tick stub from my train journey to Coventry. She didn't know what to say at first, fearing that it wasn't what she thought it meant. But then it dawned on her that it was true and that in the next month we would be moving down to Coventry/Warwickshire. Pretty good timing I feel as it naturally coincides with the wedding.

However, there was also the hope that UMIP would come through and that the university of Manchester would be able to fund the postdoc up here. But, as I found out yesterday morning, this wasn't to be. So I emailed Warwick back to confirm I would be taking the job. It also means that at this end my current supervisor will pay me for January to tie up loose ends and finish of/start papers and plan work and train PhD students.

It's and end of an era, having spent the last 7 years in Manchester. Getting to Manchester was the easy bit. Staying was harder as I got more and more annoyed at my degree not living up to what it should have been. But getting through the undergraduate years and reaching PhD had been worth it. Now I am able to start taking the next steps along the path to becoming a researcher of my own. Also in that time I have had my heart broken once, and found myself again, plus found Sam during these last two years of PhD, a woman I feel is my perfect match and soul mate. Someone who without I don't think I would have been able to have stayed quite so sane during these last few months. I honestly can't wait for the wedding now as it is an overdue holiday and also what I really want most right now, to be with Sam. Also I have realised that my family, though I don't see them as often, always come through when I need them most.

So there you have it. Later in January I will have moved to Warwick and started research there into the  molecular modelling and simulation of transition metal complexes. It's not the far removed from my own work right now so the change should be too much of an impact.

Too all you guys I have met in Manchester, especially these last three years, I will miss you all. But then I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to meet up again at places like Wendy House, Whitby etc.

Other than that I think I have said everything. So if I don't see you before I move then have a Good Yule and and Happy Gregorian Calendar New Year.

So I got the Postdoc at Warwick!!

Yep, so that means I'll be doing research at that end for two years as of the end of January.

I have a paid month up here finishing off loose ends before I move down to Warwick/Coventry area.

I have a leaving party on the 9th for all you guys to come to. It be great to see you all as you've all been there for me in some way over the last 7 years in manchester.

Oh and the thesis will be finished I think on xmas day.... huzzah.

Merry Yule to you all and have a happy new year.

Right I'm off for pizza.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

I have an interview tomorrow

Hopefully it should all be good.

Monday, 8 December 2008

So the parents have met!

Well what has the last week involved?

To start I still don't have confirmation on the funding to stay here for postdoc. Basically we have to wait for another external review of our work. Hopefully it will be more specific in order to resolve the conflict of opinion in the two reports we already have. Sigh.

Then I got information on the Essex job. I wasn't first choice. It really sucks as I thought I did really well on that interview. All I can hope for is that I am at least second choice and the position gets passed on.

Friday we went to the new pizza restaurant, Dough. Twas awesome again and this time I didn't go for the wheat base pizza. This meant I could actually finish the whole thing.

Saturday, with Sam and her mother, we went to Hereford on the train to go and meet my parents. Yeah this is the first time they met before the wedding. It went really well. I don't know why I was nervous. I think they all got on really well. My dad works on the town council, and Sam's mum works for the Manchester council, so there was much conversation. We all helped my mum pick out something for her to wear for the wedding. I am really pleased how well Sam and my mum get along. Plus we showed off the pictures from Sam's photoshoots and gave mum and dad some chocolates from hotel chocolat. We also too a trek to see the cathedral in Hereford, which is pretty impressive even though Hereford is a tiny city. We do have some pictures from the day but it requires the old man to get them off the camera.

Yesterday we joined up with the guys for Cat's birthday ice skating. Seems like everyone is job hunting/postponing xmas. It was good to see that everyone isn't too stressed/crazy with everything right now.

later we went to Carnival Divine, which again is a great burlesque night. This time not only did we have great puppets (Frosty the snowman apparently is a snowy twat with no heart and is just made of frozen H2O who should piss off before he gets fucked up), but grim/hilarious side show act that involved stuff going up noses and fitting a body through a tennis racket. Oh and there was awesome burlesque opera. Wow.

Finally geting back home last night I checked my emails to find that I have a new interview. I made it to the final five for the postdoc in Warwick. It's next week so I have a week to read up on the work and make changes to my presentation.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Present - need opinions!

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5


Or suggest another from her collection


Your rainbow is shaded violet.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Monday, 1 December 2008

Another update on the work front

Well it's Monday and I am anxious. I really do want Thursay to roll on by. But I do need to finish off some more work.

Today I did a tally of how far I have got with the thesis. Right now it stands at 64,000 words and just over 250 pages. I need to do a bit of editing to get a few pages back. I have just two sections to finish, the last part of chapter 3, the research part, since the simulations are still running on the computer and the output from that will make up paper 6 (yes that's 6 papers in total). Paper 4 is almost done, paper 5 is a freebie and paper 7 is now planned and I will have a stab at it tomorrow. Today I finished off chaper 5, the future work chapter, and outlined about 3 projects that could be done off the back of my work (in fact our MChem student is actually already working on one of the ideas). So that leaves chapter 4 which will contain my conclusions.

The weekend has been good. On Friday we dined in Dough, a new pizza place that is just oopposite our flats. They have a good selection of pizzas, including healthy options. Whole wheat pizzas are great. Mine was covered in sausage but it was a bit of a beast to eat and was very filling. All in all a good restaurant. We now need to try out the associated bar next door, Apotheca.

The Saturday we spent in Liverpool. Sam had bought tickets for the ballet. The show was The Sleeping Beauty, a favourite of Sam's. The pacing was just right, and the seats in the theater did not mean that I suffered from any stiffness after. The show was great, teh costumes were excellent, and the wicked fariy and her rude goblins were amusing. A particular bit of interest was the vision scene where they had a brilliant bit of effects where dry ice simulated the oceans and the Prince was aboard a small ship. The finale was also quite glorius to watch as the costumes were again excellent to look at and inspired me, I think I have already a host of ideas for many Carnivales to come.

This week as of yet I have no other ideas as to what we are getting up to. But this weekend we are off to Hereford so that Sam's mum can meet my parents! Hopefully I should have good news by then.

I would ask that you all wish me luck but I will just trust in the All as if it is to be then it will be so.

Hmmm..... taken from

copied from [info]glittersavvy
On the twelfth day of Christmas, kris_ether sent to me...
Twelve icklepurklegirls drumming
Eleven narcotics piping
Ten cronos a-leaping
Nine eris dancing
Eight vampires a-milking
Seven computers a-writing
Six metaphysics a-programming
Five cha-a-a-aos
Four zeppelins
Three martial arts
Two quantum mechanics
...and a chinese in a philosophy.
Get your own Twelve Days:

Friday, 28 November 2008

Jobs update

So I still await to see about the job in Essex. Today in the literature presentation I was going through a paper of my potential new supervisor.

This Thursday coming is the decision day on the UMIP funding for work here in Manc.

I have a telephone interview next week for the consultancy job.

Still waiting to hear back from Warwick and Venice postdocs.

Applied for a research position with the AWE.

Waiting to see if I passed the telephone interview for Unilever.

Waiting for response on the job application with HBOS in Halifax.

Fun fun fun.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008


So last Friday I was down in Essex. It was for an interview with Prof Chris Reynolds at the University of Essex in Colchester. The journey down was quick and around midday I had arrived at the uni. I had lunch bought for me and an informal chat with Reynolds. Then I had to pass an hour when the other interview candidate of the day arrived. Lets just say I wasn't that impressed by him (I was in a suit he wasn't). We then had our presentations that lasted for 15 mins each (well they should of, the other guys one last I'm sure for another 10 mins and was very boring and not that relevant to Reynolds own work). I had my interview first and I think I came across confident, flexible and creative, along with being hard working etc. Colchester, what I saw of it, isn't that bad and really if I had to move down that way it's not that big a deal.

Leaving Colchester and getting back to Manchester was a nightmare and took far too long.

So that's one interview to hear back from. I have made it to the long list of the Warwick postdoc, waiting to hear back from a consultancy job in Surrey, a credit analyst/programing/forcasting job in Halifax, and I have a telephone interview tomorrow morning for a cheminformatic post with Unilever. Oh and there is still the Manchester funding to wait for.

Oh and today it is now 3 months until the wedding. Yay!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Postdoc in Warwick

Got onto the long list for the Warwick postdoc. Not totally my best possible post but still good. Just got to answer some question for it and hope I make it to the short list and get to interviews.

Today was the deadline on the UMIP submission, so that has now gone in and we wont get to hear anything more until Paul goes for the Q&A session for it on the 4th, so finger crossed on that one.

Tomorrow is my interview in Essex. This postdoc is totally in my field of expertise so I am looking forward to this one. I have to give a 15 minute presentation on my research, so today I have been updating my final year presentation. I have given it twice so I know I can fit it and plus I know it like the back of my hand and hvae had the chance of updating a number of the figures and tables since I last presented it. Plus it's only going to be to a few people so that should be well easy.

Now just got to hear about the consultancy job in Surrey, the job in Yorkshire and the postdoc in Venice.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Wendyhouse and Stuff

Ok so far the week has been great, and so was the last one.

On the fun side of things I have had the joy of taking Sam to Wendy House in Leeds. It was touch an go for a bit as Sam had been not at her best for part of the day, a shame as she'd been looking forward to going for some time. But when it closer to us having to get ready and go she sprung into action and soon I was off to Leeds with a sexy silver mini dress clad lady (epic win!)

Wendy House was busy, and there was a fairly large contingent of the Manchester crowd (well it's not like Manchester has a good goth club any more), and we met up with Sam's mate Mel, and also Becky who Sam knew from some time back. Over all worth the effort and Sam has proclaimed that we go again next month.

As far as work is concerned right now I have a job interview on Friday in Essex, had one telephone interview last Thursday for a programming job, got head hunted for a consultancy job yesterday and also a financial analyst job. I also know my supervisor got asked for a reference by the guys in Venice for a postdoc there.

Paper wise, number 4 is half done, 5 is my freebie and is actually just paper 4 but for a more computational audience. Paper 6 has just been started and 7 is in planning (it's a review so I don't need results, just papers to read). The thesis is now at close 50,000 words, 75% complete, and looks like this.

Chapter 1 - Introduction and Background - A history of water models from the last 7 decades of research and what types of things have been done to make significant progress after the last 25 years of computational models. Covers point charge and multipolar models, ab initio and empirical models, polarizable models and those models that have been developed using AI. - Complete - 13,000 words.

Chapter 2 - Methods - Overview of all the methods used in the work covering the basics of molecular models, ab initio calculations, Quantum Chemical Topology, Multipolar Electrostatics, Neural Networks, Radial Basis Function Networks, Kriging Models and Molecular Dynamics - Editing - 9,000 words.

Chapter 3 - Research Work - Made up of sections devoted to each paper I have worked on/writing now, includes
Paper 1 - Asymptotic Dipole Enhancement of Water molecule with increasing cluster size: A QCT Analysis.
Paper 2 - A Dynamically Polarizable Water model using Multipole Moments predicted by NNs
Paper 3- Beyond Point Charges: A Dynamically Polarizable Peptide Potential - part of collaboration work so this subsection focuses on the methods I developed rather than the results.
Paper 4 + 5 - Construction of an Optimal Dynamically Polarizable Water model using Multipole Moments predicted by Machine Learning : in progress rightnow and will be submitted at the end of the month - not inserted into thess yet.
Paper 6 - MD simulation using a Dynamicall Polarizable Water Model using Multipole Moments Predicted by NNs - started

Total Words so far - 24,000
Chapter 4 - Overall conclusions - not started

Chapter 5 - Future work

So yeah it's turning into a beast. This time six months ago I would never have thought I could put this together.

Well back to work for me.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Halloween and fun.

Wow.... 4 months to go and I'm married! It's actually not that scary. Getting a job sorted for the new year is though.

Currently I have a few options. A programming job in West Berkshire is possible, I have to see if I can get it. Then on the 21st I have an interview for a postdoc in Essex. Yep that would mean leaving Manchester but for almost tripling my pay. Let me think. YES! Also I have postdoc applications to hear from in Venice/Padua (Yes you read that right!), Warwick, Paris and of course getting the funding for the postdoc here in Manchester. Ultimately the one in Manchester is ideal (better money and not having to move) but in all honesty all the postdocs have their advantages.

In other news, Mirrors is an awesome film. Very spooky and one scene will have you fearing the bathroom. You never know who's watching!

My wedding outfit has arrived and is currently being altered to fit better! Sam has hers and well it's gorgeous.

Halloween was spent watching quite a bit of Burlesque and going to rockworld. Mr J didn't play this year since there were too many wannabes out there. So Mr Todd was the costume of choice this year, while Sam was a divine Mrs Lovett.

We also followed this up with Sunday's Carnival Divine and this weekend watching people almost set on fire at trashkitty 's bonfire night party.

Right well back to work for me!

Pics from Halloween. Grabbed from glittersavvy 's lj.

^Sweeney Todd & Mrs Lovett getting ready for the Burlesque Ball. Mr. T doesn't look very happy! :(

^I look quite scary here.

^Yeah... I have no idea.

^Cocktail umbrella at the Burlesque Ball.


And pictures from Carnival Divine on Sunday. I liked my wig so much that I wore it again.

^Chris promises his eyeshadow was MP Vampire Red, not pink!

^They had cupcakes at Carnival Divine. We got a chocolate one. Here is Chris with the case on his nose.

These were taken after the show, in the Secret Hallway! in our apartment building.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Another Small update

Well things are going on well. Paper number 3 is almost finished, 4 is started, 5 has almost got all the data it needs. My thesis is maybe 40% complete and will soon bulk out with my papers in due course. Job wise I've applied to a number of postdoc positions around the country while we hope (it's not being too hopeful though) that the funding will be allocated for a postdoc here letting me stay on for another year and help get the code ready for use in a simulation package.

On the home front myself and Sam have celebrated being together for 18 months. It's amazing how quick it goes by. Maybe it's just because I've had this damn PhD deadline creeping up on me. With the wedding on the horizon I'll be very happy to have this thesis out of the way and be happy to relax once more with my bride to be, especially after keeping me sane through this period of madness. Honestly I don't think I would feel as happy as I am right now at this point in my life with out Sam there keep me from going loony!

Possibly the quote that sums myself and Sam up.

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900),

Now for one last thing....

Thursday, 2 October 2008


has been spent being in awe of glittersavvy /kitty_napalm 

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Now there is this woman called Sam...

...and she is gorgeous!!!!

This is from glittersavvy 's latest photoshoot with Rob McGrory and I am stunned. More than that, just blown away. Nuff said just look at the pics and click the link.


Right, I think I need to get back to doing some thesis writing and attending to the Princess.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Uber massive update

So yes glittersavvy  and myself have seen the Dark Knight twice. Epic. I'm sure MOST of you have seen it by now. We do plan to see it once more before it's out of the cinema (oh dear IMAX only screenings ;_;)

Lysa stayed over towards the end of July and during August which was good as it allowed Sam to have some fun, and so while I went off to a conference in Edinburgh they went down to London.

It was good to see everyone out for Luke and Michelle's wedding reception and I was coerced into dancing with Sam to the Timewarp. 'TIMEWARP!' - Tim Beasley

We've also been out to see the new Mummy film. Nice visually but the Yetis... oh for the love of god the fucking Yetis! I shall say no more.

We also picked up a copy of REC which if you haven't seen is a great little spanish horror. Very disturbing to the end. Well filmed and really takes the 'reality horror' genre to a new level. Oh and did I say I hate screaming granny like monster throat biting things???

Oh did I say my hair is white again? Go see Sam's/glittersavvy 's LJ for evidence

The conference. Well those of you who don't know the Faraday Discussions (this one was on the topic of water at interfaces) are very different to others. We get all the papers before the conference and the speakers only have 5 mins to present their work. After that they have a grueling 15 minutes of questions where their work is praised/torn apart by their peers. Needless to say it was quite interesting to learn what the state of the art is in simulations of water and has led to me outlining a project proposal and feelign quite confident about my own work and where it can lead to. My poster was recieved well and quite a few people realised the novelty of it.

Coming back I was welcomed with a nice new top that Sam got for me while I was away. It was hard no being with Sam for just those few days but I was happier knowing she at least had soem company and that she was having a lot more fun that me sat in a lecture hall dosing up on coffee.

Next film on the list of things we have seen was 'The Duchess'. Good period drama, great sets and costumes. Even quite funny in places. Oh except for the fucking harlots that were talking all the way through it sat behind us.

More importantly was Sam's 23 birthday. I think I did well on the presents this year as they are all quite personal or deeply desired. Some Dior perfume that she has been pining for ages and two awesome pictures on canvas. One a montage of Heath/Joker. We has also been out to get birthday cake and bits for a bit of a party for after the meal at Felicini's.

However no matter my efforts the birthday weekend seemed a bit blah. It's upset Sam and myself somewhat. Birthday candles seemed a bit pointless in the end. Thank you to Donda and Phil for coming round though.

Recently work has been getting crazy. I official have no more funding and really can only afford to carry on until the end of October meaning papers are being written and a thesis is being pulled together. It's kinda weird but I am amazed that I have met my objectives of my PhD... just need a job now. Time at evenings and weekends are getting channeled to get this finished.

The plans for the wedding are set and invites for the handfasting/blessing/reception have been given out. I have my outfit for Venice and Sam's should be arriving soon. I do hope everyone who has been invited can make it.

On another note hopefully I should get to see the photo's from Sam's new photo shoot with Rob. There are already 2 up on his website and 2 others which are cut downs of the main one (one in the slide show banner and the other on the faq page I think). Can't wait to see her in the wedding dress now!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

A deep apology, but I have nothing to hide other than my foolishness

So this is me owning up in front of all my friends that I have hurt Sam terribly recently. I have nothing to hide, not from you or her.

Here is how. You may think what you wish but it doesn't change the facts.

A couple of weeks before I met Sam I had made a mistake, something I realized before I had even met Sam.

I slept with Jules. This was before I had moved into that flat there. I know, it made moving to that flat complicated as I had already signed contracts and put up deposits for it, and I was stupid for that.

It was foolish and childish or me to have done that. But I thought I could be mature and forget it had happened and move past it. I had no desire to revisit it and felt no better for it. But I knew that it would never happen again.

And then weeks later I met Sam. And I fell for her on day one. No matter how melodramatic that sounds. And yes it scared me because I have been a major relationship before and felt emotions that were not as strong and was hurt when it taken away. So this time I knew I would not rush things and take it as each day comes.

You may well ask why I didn't tell Sam even then that I had slept with Jules. I felt it was not her concern. It was my mistake and mattered little to me considering how much I love Sam.

2 more months past I moved to the new flat. That's two months of just me and Sam. I had also vowed never to see Sam hurt after how I had seen her when her father passed away.

So now, recently, this has all come out. I admit I was wrong for not telling Sam, but then I felt that it happened before I had met her and so did not involve her.

But it does. Because by keeping it a secret it has brought my own faithfulness into question. I understand that and cannot blame Sam for thinking that way.

But I have been faithful to Sam since day one, because that is what a relationship is about, no matter what anyone will otherwise suggest .

Now for those having read this there is also one other thing that must be made clear. The wedding had been spoken of long before all this was revealed, and so mine and Sam's desire to be wed was strong well before there was any of this doubt.

Ultimately I want everyone to know what a fool I have been and how I have hurt Sam, but that I will never hurt her like this again, not keep things from her, and that I have always been faithful to her, just as I have always been faithful to those in the past that I did not care for as much. I know there are some of you who will think less of me and doubt me, but know that  you would be wrong to doubt my faithfulness to Sam.

And finally so that you all know, that I am not leaving Sam and that I love her in a way that cannot be expressed by words.

Chris Handley

Monday, 18 August 2008


Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...

NBPS - The Idealist

Nature, Background, Big Picture, and Shape


You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.

The Perception Personality Types:


Take The Perception Personality Image Test at HelloQuizzy

Friday, 25 July 2008


So since my last post there has been quite a few good things going on.

Things have become brighter with Sam now having left the law firm of management hell and now works for the University, which is great as already it means she gets a lot more things with the job. Being a member of the uni means that there are a number of societies that she can join, in particular she has expressed an interest in taking up fencing, which would be awesome.

Of course there was a our house warming and wedding announcement party, and it was good to see everyone there and especially those people that I don't see often enough, and Mr Tofu gets a special thanks for his awesome cake!!!!

One weekend we made it out to the Lowry to go see Giselle, a ballet which was very good, maybe not up there with The Snow Queen in my opinion, but still the last act was great as 'ghosts' danced about, luring the young men to their deaths. A tragic story in all but very well done and the lighting and music was excellent.

The Gothan Knight anime Batman DVD is awesome and now our flat has 2 new Joker posters (one which Sam proclaims as 'gay and pink' but personally it just seems epically crazy to me). I also picked up the Dark Knight soundtrack which is a great collection of music, the score really set the tone for the movie which was still two weeks away when I got the cd. Waiting seriously sucked when the screening in the US was happening that weekend.

Last friday was also good news when I found out that my second paper had been accepted, a triumph considering that the paper really does set the tone of all future developments in the group.

Finally last night. OMGFG! THE DARK KNIGHT. Awesome, lived up to and surpassed the hype. I'm not going ot say anything more until you've all seen it. We went to see it at the IMAX. We will be  going again.

Oh and Watchmen looks like it will freaking rock!!! The trailer for that showed before TDK and well it was the first time I had seen it so getting to see it first in IMAX was fantastic.

Now lets introduce some anarchy!!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

It's not finished.....

So friday (the 13th) was one hell of a mixed bag.

First up we got back the referee reports on my second paper. So far so good, just a few papers to cite and some questions to clean up but it's basically done, a landmark paper, one of very few in the field.

However the other thing is all my work so far we are now redoing with a better source of data.... it's shit but at least all the tools we have developed these few years are already in place and work. So really it's a waiting game now. But on the plus side it should really be two papers out of this work. Damn time is ticking away on this PhD.

Following this Sam and I spent that evening at Piccolini's, an attempt to find a pizza place that we like more than Croma. We failed. It was good there however the service is pretty shit as waiters that don't understand you fumble the orders and take your dish to the table next to you. I was pretty shitty to them to be honest but then they deserved it.

Later we joined the rest of the pack at Negresco for [info]lordstorm's birthday. Sam  and I looked on as they munched and we just drank our cocktails. A good day in all.

As for the weekend it was pretty quite, with me not doing all that much, mooching round town and watching lots of films with Sam.

The following week saw the start of the new code at work slowly come together and feeling a bit better about it. The weekend was different, with Sam out at the Tony Wilson experience all of Saturday and on Sunday morning I went down to watch the Prof Brian Cox talk, and after being a bit pathetic finally went up to him as he was leaving ask a few quick questions. Apparently he comes into the MIB for coffee every now and then.

The following week finally let some things at work finish, with data now being generated at a tremendous speed and all the codes having been updated to be extra useful when doing the analysis.

Last friday randomly we went to Ara after thinking we might have a quite night in, but ended up enjoying the company of Stacey and then heading to the church for what was a relaxed and enjoyable night, bumping into a number of people in haven't seen in ages.

This weekend sees not much going on so Saturday is a chance for Sam to go to Sin City.
This last month, even though at some points has been difficult, has been one of the best in a long while. Sam leaves her job this friday and so we will have to be extra cautious with money, but I don't see her not being in work for too long, but the time out she will have will be good for both of us.

In other news just a reminder of the house warming party on the 11th of July at my place (see previous post) and that there is again some chance for me to do some free lance writing for a roleplay game.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

House Warming/Wedding Announcement redux

So after having to rearrange things we've come up with a different plan.

Friday 11th of July, 8:30pm

House Warming and Wedding Announcement

Both myself and Sam would be very happy to see you all there.

Address is Flat 305, Market Buildings, 17 Thomas Street, Manchester (So it's in the Northern Corner).

Monday, 23 June 2008

House Warming - Friday 27th of June

Finally the long over due house warming of mine and Sam's pad in the city.

Plan is for 8:30 pm. Of course food and drink supplies would be helpful (bring what you like), and there is chance of home made cake!! YES THE FINEST OF CAKE!!!

Be great to see you all here.

Lets us know before hand if you can make it so we get in more supplies.

See you soon.

Chris and Sam


Flat 305, 17 Thomas Street (opposite TV21 and between Chinese arts museum and Blu Bar.)

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Has Summer arrived???

Well it's been a good month since I last posted. As far as things are concerned it's had it's ups and downs, but more importantly things for me and are much improved and the flat is finally tidy to the point that it doesn't feel like we're still living out of boxes. So it seem's some sort of house warming is on the horizon.

The last month has seen quite a few things happen. Majeed within my group at uni passed his viva, which of course now emphasises how near the end of my PhD is. It's a bit scary but I have got my second paper submitted and now working towards number three and four.

We've taken the chance to go and see the Lindow Man and walk around the museum again to look at the things we missed the last time we were there. The Lindow man is a strange exhibit, both interesting when they try to present the body in respectfuly way as it is both underwhelming and interesting all at once. The quotes littered about the exhibition however are food for thought, asking us to consider the purpose of displaying one of our ancestors for the benefit others.

As for the football... Rangers can kiss my ass! I was utterly disgusted by what happened and more disgusted by the Council. What did they really think would happen?

I've also gone from white hair to black. Simply got tired of it, a pain to maintain. Plus it's now more of a blank slate once more for other colours.

We also made a trip to the main gallery to see the new exhibition which was strange to say the least. The room filled with the globes was fun, peering through the small lenses and seeing the tiny images before the map of the part of the world the picture was taken. We also watched, another part of the same exhibtion, a perculiar film of divers painting under water. It was all very surreal.

The weekend just gone saw my sister vriefly visiting the flat, with prospects of her moving back to Manchester for a new job. We still don't have sky working fully and the ordeal continues with the estates department of the company that manages my flat.

Today saw my final year presentation as part of the physical/theoretical/materials group of presentations. I thought it went well, though when my phone timer went off at 10 mins I was shocked as I had onyl covered a thrid of the material I planned to present. But I did it all in the end and the only question to be asked was already paritally covered by the slides. Win! I felt more proud arriving home and after cooking I checked my work emails to find a congratulations from my supervisor. Nice to know that I don't entirely suck.

This friday sees coming up from London to celebrate his birthday, meaning a trip to Negresco!!! Huzzah!!!!

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Sometimes when things break you find that when they are put back together it's better than before

So it's been just over a week since my last post. You of course are all aware from mine and 's posts about the problems we've had these last few weeks. But I think I can say the worst is behind us now. If anything things are stronger than ever.

It's been a tough time for both of us, and it's hurt and caused more than enough tears. I know it won't be 'perfect' for a while yet but it's the burden I have to carry for my mistake.

But in a way, just as Tyler Durden would say, it's only when you have lost everything, that you are free to do anything. Or in our case, we almost lost each other but now are closer than before.

Life as a couple in the flat (which is awesome by the way, if still filled with unpacked boxes while we wait to get some bookcases) is falling into a nice, I wouldn't say routine, but rhythm. Having a kitchen that has space and is clean is wonderful as I can now really pull out the stops and cook for , experiment with new recipes and not feel like food is getting wasted as it gets lost in the hell of a shared fridge. The atmosphere of the flat is open and serene, a good place to sit and write and read with the only distraction being each other. And of course the balcony is just perfect for this type of weather.

Money is a bit tight right now as I await to cash one deposit, get another owed by , and from forking out for oddments for the flat, but at the end of the day the peace of mind and just being with her there is worth it a thousand times over. The fact I can just get up and sit with her in the mornings to have breakfast and leisurely walk to work is such a luxury that I just never knew of.

Not sure when any sort of house warming will be soon but just give us the time and I'm sure there'll be one, and if either of us has seemed a bit distant then just know that we're just taking our time and attending to more important matters. What was in the past now just needs to bulldozed over with some new things. Something which is happening everyday.