Wednesday, 23 August 2006

Burn the Witch!

Parents are justly concerned that their children are being led into danger by the GOTH subculture. How can you tell if your child is a GOTH? Look for these warning signs.

  • Wears black clothing.

  • Has piercings or tattoos.

  • Wears a pentagram or an ankh (an ancient Egyptian symbol used in Satanic Ba’al-worshipping rituals).

  • Wears rock T-shirts.

  • Listens to GOTH bands such as Marilyn Manson, or to other antisocial music.

  • "Hangs out" with new friends.

  • Demands an unusual amount of privacy.

  • Shows diminished interest in wholesome activities such as church, prayer, and sports.

  • Takes drugs.

  • Kills people for fun.

  • Stays up late at night and/or drinks blood.

  • Watches cable.

  • Complains of headaches, boredom, nausea, stabbing pains or thirst.

  • Is secretive.

  • Spends large amounts of time alone.

  • Spends large amounts of time with people you don’t know.

  • Misbehaves in school.

  • "Forgets" to do chores, possibly because of drug or alcohol abuse.

  • Hears music when the only sound is noise, possibly because of drug or alcohol abuse.

  • Uses a computer or the Internet.

  • Plays video games or role-playing games.

  • Reads science fiction or fantasy books.

  • Writes angry entries in a secret diary (you can usually find the diary easily if you search your child’s room).

  • Has paranoid fantasies (many GOTHS accuse their parents of spying on them).

  • Pursues dangerous cult religions such as WICCA, SATANISM, HINDUISM and BUDDHISM.

  • Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult.

  • Uses the blood of Christian babies to inscribe pentagrams or other symbols on churches and schools.

  • Sleeps too much or too little.

  • Eats too much or too little.

  • Looks at pornography or otherwise shows interest in sex.

  • Is a homosexual, bisexual, or "pansexual."

  • Smokes clove cigarettes.

  • Leaves syringes or other drug paraphernalia around the house.

  • Eats GOTH-related foods such as Count Chocula breakfast cereal.

  • Mocks authority figures such as teachers, guidance counselors or Jesus.

  • Says, "I am a GOTH."

  • Wears a pin that says, "I am a GOTH."

  • Talks about going to GOTH clubs or parties.

  • Asks for locks of hair from casual acquaintances.

  • Owns more than one cast-iron cauldron.

  • Dances to music.

  • Behaves in any unusual or alarming way.

  • Blah blah blah..............

    If you read this you'll note most of the things also relate to..

    "Your child has a brain and free will and thinks for themselves"

    There are days.....