Where to begin. At the start I guess.
First lets start with the onamatopoeia in japanese for "dragging something around" that appears in the entry title. We''l explain that in a bit.
So Friday. An ace meeting with my supervisor allowed me to refocuse my work and allow me to again put forward my ideas and musings.... totally awesome really and quite funny. I think I'm properly developing an understanding with my supervisor.
Hours later after a good bit of food I made my way to Fab Cafe and met up with Jon and
So there we are in Rock World and I and therothers have taken to drinking Magners. All I can say is "my god no hangover???" Yes I am most impressed with this drink.
So the night progressed and cyberai_dan proceeded to invite into our conversation a very nice and sweet girl called Jo who was sat all alone in the Goth room. She, as we found out, is an Open University student doing physics. And so much carousing proceeded.
Also present with her chums was
Ok so Saturday morning. 6 hours sleep and no hangover after having drunk quite a bit of cider? Whats with that. Oh well off we go to buy wedding presents and my mum's over due birthday present of coffees.
So straight to Selfridges it was, downstairs and to Vom Fass, where a good fellow immediately noted that I knew their stock inside out and so we were straight to business. So my aunt now has a twin bottles that snake together, one filled with strawberry limes and vodka (awesome stuff) and the other with champagne truffles. All held together using straw and pink coloured straw and put into a gold bag. Beat that I would say to my other aunts and uncles (who are all dicks fyi).
Ok one present down two to go. Coffee, easy. Whittards. So thats one more to go. Dun dun dun!
Que insipid music and whining kids and horrible parents. Where did I leave my chain gun.
However I found it!
This is for my aunt's new born Drew.... really its just an excuse to buy toys I would have loved if I was still a kid.
Right so Presents... check.
At this point I thought what the hell.... off I go to pop into Games Workshop Manchester to catch up with some old friends and see what was going on. No surprise that Paul (the manager there) was again making some bad ass terrain for the new warhammer game and for games day.
However weirdly enough I walked straight past Vicky. Yes the ex who I was going out with for most of my undergrad time. The entire reason why I am really careful about relationships and also why I almost messed up my entire degree.
And you know what? All the things had felt, good and bad. It was all gone. Thus the zuruzuru at the start. I've dragged it around for so long that its just wore away.
So after a quick little chat (and I think I got the impression of "ok you've changed a lot" I carried on to home and to get some food before Sin City that night.
What was also makign a good day better was my new top from ebay had arrived... some mad skinny white tee with zips an a collar that looked all mad scientist/dentist.... mwhahahaha!
And sin was great. Met up with
Sunday... um day of rest.... finished writing my Etherscope story, and then got back into writing my World of Darkness Manchester book. here's the cover I made on the computer for it.
The week ahead.... um gotta out a gaussian based random number generator into some code and test it. Prune that force field code. write some more of my e book, maybe go to Wendyhouse this week. Go see renaissance.
"It was evening and 23 quantaloos had just been deposited with the man with his dancing monkey. The sweet little cretin had the beast chain by the eyeballs and cavorting to the tune of 'Hit Me Baby One MoreTime'. I however had to rush off and meet with the council. The Oscurus Nebula envoy had brought grim news. The mines of Ketchuim were running low. The solid matter had run out and now the entire quadrant was reliant on reserves and stockpiles of Brown Matter. I simply told the council to contact the Grand High Poobah and convey his wishes to Soldium Magi. Surely help would be sent and the vile wretches in the mines could be put to work else where and the systems put back into action providing for the Burgrionic Common Wealth. Time will tell. Its either that or we cease to be and we will surely have to turn to eating Ressian Shark and Flemmigum Turtle." - Lord Montreal before his emergency meeting on the world of Barenheit.