Gah. I could write a million words. Or I could write one. In the end its all the same.
The picture above kinda of sums up a lot of things. Its the total opposite to the weather right now. But none the less its beautiful in its own right.
Ice also makes things look prettier, like the cliched tales of London in Victorian times, covered in snow, covering the dirt and grime.
At least my writing hasn't dried up yet, nor the ideas for mad zombies.
True its not long now until I get to play (yes play) in a game, taking on the role of a medieval frenchman is gonna be fun. Especially due to the compulsive tendancies I will have to act. Also work on the first game of Etherscope goes on, and my obsession with victorianism is growing. Plus a playtest for that sci fi rpg is taking form. Lots of indy jones style madness and firefly fun in space.
Work of course is work. As i trawl through code and begin pruning. Its quite scary to be in charge of important code like this but then it has to be done. More coffee and a turkish stew* should make me feel better
Also its not long until Infest. A chance again to unwind. I just hope the weather can hold on a bit more.
The weekned has Depercussion. Which should pose to be interesting especially since on of Dan's mates is playing there. Plus there is a jaunt to the cinema to watch some good old free running planned. More inspiration for the zombies!
I guess that it planned so far. Write some more.... read some more. Maybe see if Dan cuts more of Stacy's hair off later in the week. See what the weekend holds. Some of my house mattes are of to Depercussion to so it should be a good day.
Well thats all to say really.
* a Binsraad combination of burger and coffee. A source of all the dietary needs of the Binsraad Council's 45th legion of BarrenHeight Troopers
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