Thursday 13 January 2011

A New Year.... what may be going on

So Xmas has been and gone, and it was spent happily at home with my wife Sam and our kittens, who were only 3 months old. For this reason we opted not to travel the length of England to visit parents. Instead my parents should be staying over some time soon now that we have a decent new sofa/futon bed.

As for the kittens, boy are thy growing. Last check the boy, Yamato, was a full 400g heavier. We were told he eats like a pig when we got him. Both kittens are now fully vaccinated and have had more deworming (something I will have to do again in a month, but it's easy and should be the last time). In unrelated circumstances our last hamster, Marishka, finally died of old age, being well over 2 years old.

Present wise has so far seen

- Sam got me a book on the journey of Marco Polo

- Her mum got me a book on the history of the Royal Society for science

- Xmas money got me a shirt and jacket as seen in previous posts, and Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, which is good comic relief from AC2-Brotherhood

- Still expecting some presents off my parents to arrive when my sister stays over

Roleplay wise things have been on pause due to the festivities, and now should be on again as of next week as we push into the last half/third of changeling the lost, with a reprisal of Vampire along the way, and then on to running some Exalted.

Work wise sees the mopping up of my latest paper, finally, and working towards the next, as well as another round of funding application. I hope to have that done end of Feb and the current work over and done with come end of March.

This weekend sees a pre-emptive birthday drinks meetup with the roleplay group and friends, as I turn 28 on Tuesday next week. 28 seems definitely older. And we also have the pleasure of Anna and Mark visiting on Saturday/Sunday, which is great as he also turns 28 the day after me. That I feel is a sign of the Old Ones!

Finally did you know that a) I now have coffee/purple/red hair and b) a goatee. Yeah, sure we'll see photos of those soon. But for now...


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