Wednesday 28 February 2007

I should really post something sensible this time....

Ok well friday at Ara was ok..... though a bit quiet. So in true fashion (and that  had to be in work the next) we retired to es0terika's place for some binhead action. Though it was nice to see some familiar faces at Ara.

Saturday was Sin, and it was quite a good night. Very glad I didn't go to monster after I learnt how packed it was. But I was soon joined by the lovely and .

Sunday was sleeping. Monged, writing for Mage now that Vampire has finished for the time being, Season 1 all over. Finally!

Well last night was a nice little drink with , , , and others that I currently can't think of the names to. Sigh. At least their party plans are going well.

Today is gonna be me buying a ticket to Combichrist and then working out how the hell I'm getting there. Hmmmmm.......

Picture time.

    Pursor sat under the drawn shadow of the skeletal dish, the radial ribs reaching up into the wide azure sky. He placed his worn satchel at his side and slid off his long leather coat. Soon Pursor had a strange collection of items spread before him; a tarot deck, worn and dog eared, his laptop, silently whirring, a book on I Ching and ontop of it a darkened metal coin, a square hole cut through the centre, and finally his mobile phone and a GPS device. Isis looked at the curious miscellany, and also sat down on the soft grass, brushing her light saffron dress aside so as not to crease it. She intently looked at Pursor, his deep icy eyes gazing over the assortment of items before him, his delicate hands, pale like and bony, moving the devices into position, the entire act all part of some grander scheme. He paused for a second and scratched his head, running his hand through his messy sandy-coloured hair.
    Isis reached out to the small bronze coin, about to pick it up. "And so that serves what -" But a quickly Pursor tapped here hand away.
    "It's an Obol. A chinese coin. I'm just trying to keep some continuity here. We have fate to play with and the stars. You feel the power of this site don't you?" Pursor looked intently at her. It was annoying at times that Isis seemed so care free in the manner in which she performed her magics, as if she cared little for the actually outcome. He however had planned out ever element, each detail of the ritual days ago. Finally they might  be able to get a lead on the location of the mirror. Hopefully they weren't too late.
    "Power? Well I guess the place has a sort of atmosphere." She looked about, almost with a child-like amusement.
    "Well it does. Think about it. It's places like these, like the pyramids, or at stone circles, that man has tried to draw down the heavens, see the patterns, lay it out on the ground and track it. And in this case we have also sent back our own designs, placed our own stars in the heavens. It's those that now have importance to man, that follow our paths." Pursor looked up, studying the skies above him. "Everyday satellites orbit us, some staying set in their place, others hurtling through the void. But they all send and receive, listening to our thoughts, speaking back to our dreams." He looked at Isis, her long raven tresses framing her slender frame, her heart shaped face, skin bronze from her Spanish ancestry. Some are lucky to not ever worry. Though it seems others have to worry for everyone else.
    " So your going to perform a divination based on the satellites?" She frowned and looked up at the great dish.
    "Why not? If man can read the stars and fly out to them with probes, then surely they are a sign of mans own creativity, divinity, and future." Pursor opened the I Ching and began to flip the obol. "Now shall we begin?"

Friday 23 February 2007

Physics comedy... stay with me on this one



Total spanking Cats

Why its Bernard Manning, the Transgender Retro Virus!!!

LiveJournal Username
The name of the movie
RatingGPGPG-13RXXXXNot Rated
SettingVietnamMexicoRussiaFranceUnited KingdomThe Old WestThe CityThe GhettoThe BarrioThe Mean StreetsPost-Apocalyptic WastelandThe WildernessCaribbean IslandPacific IslandSpace - Orbiting EarthDeep SpaceAlternate Earth With MonkeysBigoted Small TownNuclear Power PlantAirport
Background MusicOrchestralFolk MusicMotownRockDiscoTheraminSpanish GuitarBanjoBy John WilliamsPiccoloBagpipeKoto, Shamisen, and Blocks
Political OutlookAnti-WarAnti-CrimeAnti-CommunistAnti-PollutionAnti-RacismAnti-RussiansAnti-CubansAnti-Ill-Defined Middle EasternersAmerican Indians Know BetterVietnam Was JustifiedMere Celebration of VigilantismJust Want To See Actors Wearing Stupid OutfitsJust Want To See Full Frontal NudityJust Want To See Bruce Lee Kick the Crap Out of Someone
Mood of EndingHappySadBittersweetContemplativeRomanticCynicalHitting You Over the Head With the MessageIncomprehensibleAnticlimacticInvolves Gratuitous ProfanityMerely Setting Up the SequelLast Scene So Let's Have An Orgy
Has a hilarious-looking afrolady_gaslight
Appears mostly for a gratuitous sex scenephuturatica
Feels it necessary to wear aviator sunglassesmod
Plays a minority in a way modern viewers find racistcouchetard
Utters the catchphrase that will remain in American pop culturekuroukaze
Comic reliefchrisptofu
Cult Classic?False
Most repeated phrase on DVD commentary trackChair! Chair! Chair!
This Fun Quiz created by Akhmed at BlogQuiz.Net
Taurus Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

Picard Trips Out

Ummm...... Romulan Ale by any chance?

Just cos everyone else is

LiveJournal Username
The name of the movie
RatingGPGPG-13RXXXXNot Rated
SettingVietnamMexicoRussiaFranceUnited KingdomThe Old WestThe CityThe GhettoThe BarrioThe Mean StreetsPost-Apocalyptic WastelandThe WildernessCaribbean IslandPacific IslandSpace - Orbiting EarthDeep SpaceAlternate Earth With MonkeysBigoted Small TownNuclear Power PlantAirport
Background MusicOrchestralFolk MusicMotownRockDiscoTheraminSpanish GuitarBanjoBy John WilliamsPiccoloBagpipeKoto, Shamisen, and Blocks
Political OutlookAnti-WarAnti-CrimeAnti-CommunistAnti-PollutionAnti-RacismAnti-RussiansAnti-CubansAnti-Ill-Defined Middle EasternersAmerican Indians Know BetterVietnam Was JustifiedMere Celebration of VigilantismJust Want To See Actors Wearing Stupid OutfitsJust Want To See Full Frontal NudityJust Want To See Bruce Lee Kick the Crap Out of Someone
Mood of EndingHappySadBittersweetContemplativeRomanticCynicalHitting You Over the Head With the MessageIncomprehensibleAnticlimacticInvolves Gratuitous ProfanityMerely Setting Up the SequelLast Scene So Let's Have An Orgy
Has a hilarious-looking afroginja_ninja
Appears mostly for a gratuitous sex scenekemuel
Feels it necessary to wear aviator sunglassestar0r
Plays a minority in a way modern viewers find racistlittlestkobold
Utters the catchphrase that will remain in American pop culturemod
Comic reliefelevenwords
Cult Classic?True
Most repeated phrase on DVD commentary trackLook at that guy die!
This Fun Quiz created by Akhmed at BlogQuiz.Net
Leo Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

Time... it just takes a second to become a psycho

Monday 19 February 2007

Sunday 18 February 2007

Tweak the joystick, push the button, punch the code

So how has the week been. I guess ok. Work has been grinding along, but nothing really new to report, just some things get closer to being finished and others closer to being started.

So Friday was meant to be me and others going to watch Hot Fuzz. That didn't really transpire, what with it being totally booked out and not many people being available. So instead I ended up at the Attic which was all drum and bass, with phuturatica , biomechanina  and icklepurklegirl  and her bloke Sam. It was good in parts, though I really wanted to stab those fucking horns down the throats of those who actually thought it added to the music.

Well Saturday was more unusual as trashykitty , biomechanina , and her brother joined me to watch Hot Fuzz. Absolutely solid film. An entire overload of jokes. It was so much to take in in the last half hour of the film. Worth watching again at the cinema.

The rest of the evening was spent at the Greek bar Mykanonos (sp) that sits on the in the bridge of the precinct centre of the uni. Well that was an amusing evening of Greek music, funny dancing (I didn't for note, nor did the others, thank the gods), with the music being all live, the songs being 'classic' school tunes apparently, as biomechanina  made the effort to translate the words. Very amusing. I mean singing about being the smoke of your cigarette just so you can be close to woman who is looking at you in the cafe, but hold on she's actually just looking for the waiter. Lol.

So that all ended at 5 in the morning (typically Greek) and so Sunday has been spent reading and tidying up, and downloading the Fading Suns books for roleplay.

Oh and watch Borken Saints. Just finished the entire series and was blown away by the story telling and the writing.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Things are not as they seem

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.

Albert Einstein

Thursday 15 February 2007

The Long March

Let your rapidity be that of the wind,

[The simile is doubly appropriate, because the wind is not only swift but, as Mei Yao-ch`en points out, "invisible and leaves no tracks."] your compactness that of the forest.

[Meng Shih comes nearer to the mark in his note: "When slowly marching, order and ranks must be preserved"--so as to guard against surprise attacks. But natural forest do not grow in rows, whereas they do generally possess the quality of density or co mpactness.]

Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Happy Fastelavn

Well sod Valentines day. It can burn. I mean really how hollow a thing it must be to get a card just because it is valentines day.

So instead I did a little research and I found this little article


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Fastelavn is a Danish holiday that is celebrated seven weeks before Easter Sunday. It originates in the Catholic tradition of Carnival, and the name derives from German Fastelabend ("night before fast"). It used be a large feast to celebrate the beginning of Lent. Today, however, it might be described as a Danish Halloween with children dressing up in costumes and trick-or-treating or gatherings treats for the Fastelavn feast.

Other traditional aspects include slå katten af tønden ("hit the cat out of the barrel"), which is somewhat similar to a piñata, except that there is a wooden barrel, which is full of candy and has the image of a cat on it. Historically there was a real black cat in the barrel, and beating it was superstitiously considered a safeguard against evil. After the candy pours out, the game continues until the entire barrel is broken. The one who knocks down the last piece of the barrel become kattekonge ("king of cats") or kattedronning ("queen of cats").

A popular baked good associated with the day is Fastelavnsbolle (lit. "Fastelavns bun", also known in English as "shrovetide bun" or "lenten bun"), a round sweet roll usually covered with icing and filled with cream. Similar buns are eaten in other northern European countries, for example the Swedish Semla.

Some towns in Denmark are renown for their large Fastelavn festivities and parades.

Sounds like the perfect way to have fun this day. Rather than pink and hearts everywhere... instead go trick-or-treating.

ANything to report? Well not really. Saturday was ok at Sincity. Not packed but some random music. Friday at Jilly's was good, some nice noise was played, I think due to Chris of Coreline being present. I have to say that entire Friday evening was quite the random one. I mean I had to tell a white lie to save myself from a "black pudding monster", got asked if I was a model, and was feeling filled with bile due to a persons presence. A good end to the week after the manic supervision of the project students.

So this week should be nice and simple. Have already got some new stuff written for roleplay, so I feel fulfilled in that sense. However I;m having to rehash some data at work as the first stuff I generated wouldn't work for what I need it for. Though it's not a total lost cause.


Picture time


Monday 12 February 2007

A room with a view....

Not even sure if it's even real? But if it was, well, I'd buy one.

Friday 2 February 2007


Sequential Art is the Best!!!


Utterly great... got to the site and read it all!!!!!!!!

Fungus on your tulip like frosted orifice!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 1 February 2007

This book is so my mind....

Tres sexy.

Must read.


He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146
Well time for an update.

So now I'm 24. And a good birthday was had. The Thursday, my birthday was spent on my own due to the unfortunate situation of having to go to a meeting at 9:30 in the morning the next day and also do a lit presentation. However revelry was off set to the next night and the subsequent weekend, involving a good evening at the Wendyhouse in Leeds.

Though the week just got better after that. Much chinese bakery goods were eaten and the paper I am working on is coalescing finally as the results poured in.

The Saturday was spent with a nice trip down to London, purchasing many cool clothes that have sated my final fantasy addiction. In addition the lovely duo of and gave a great birthday present in the form of a JTHM comic and some cyberdog vouchers that went towards some nice new trousers (which being in the sale meant they were a total bargin).

Slimelight was pretty cool, save for the crap that clambered up onto my trousers. Nice music, grim venue, but thats half the fun.

So now another week is almost over, and again much greatness has happened. The paper moves on ever further with a meeting this afternoon that has helped refocus my work on the data analysis. This paper is getting works being a landmark paper. Also today has been spent breaking in the Bsc students just starting their research. Action plans have been drawn up, goals are ready and some papers should come out of their work I hope. Tomorrow I get to do that all again with the Msc student. Yay. At there is no early morning meeting or lit presentation.

Yesterday night I went out with my old uni mates from my year, the token goth going along for the ride. But none the less it was good to catch up on what they have been up to and it really helps put life into perspective.

So this evening was spent starting the last few stories of Vampire. I had forgotten how much I loved running games for people, watching their spotaneous ideas and foul dreams come into being. It really was a good release and I relished every minute of it. Can't wait to teach Barns all the setting so he can run the next season of the game. There is just so much background to play with and great plots to run with.

Chung Kuo remains a great read, along with getting through the backlog of rpg books I have to read, plus other things lurking in my bed room asking to be devoured by my brain. It was awesome to get for my birthday a copy of Vampire: the Dark Ages off .

Well that sorta sums it all up.

Tomorrow night is noise tek and then what ever else the weekend has in store (A visit to the museum).

So to all you guys who have been there these last few weeks for birthday things and so forth, well it means a lot. You keep a mad little scientist that bit sane.

The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.
Philip K. Dick, How To Build A Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later (1978)