Wednesday 21 October 2009

A Secret Transmission within the Guild

  • 13:06 @Vizziegig I think most of what I or SAm can suggest is also suggested on offbeatbride. I think the key is stay calm, take no bullying... #
  • 13:10 @Vizziegig ... I mean we did what we want, i.e. not a big white wedding and had Sam's fairy tale while not being made bankrupt #
  • 13:33 @Vizziegig Yeah. That's a hard one. I mean fortunately I dislike my Dad's family, as does my Dad! And Sam had a similar thing with her Mums #
  • 13:35 @Vizziegig In the end with pissed off Sam's Mum's eldest sister and the famiy matriarch. Expect to annoy at least one person. #
  • 15:25 "PoC of D&D on the Microsoft Surface table." - eddyfate #
  • 15:27 @eddyfate I can see that for Vampire. But less focus on combat maps and more on scenes. Good for managing meetings of many npcs, or ... #
  • 15:28 @eddyfate ... being interactive investigation scenes. Mix with googlemaps and the idea of the 'rolling road' from Gorkamorka = car chases! #
  • 17:07 Will finish chapter one of his changeling fan book tonight. Sample here Comments welcome! #
  • 17:34 More interesting, looking at my file server at uni, the changeling sample files have had 3 downloads a week on average! Someone likes it. #
  • 17:51 Going home. Sorted out how to explore Kriging surfaces. Now how to do both using PSO? Hmmm.... need to eat! #
  • 11:28 @DitaVonTeese So I bet you are also looking forward to "New Moon"? ;P #
  • 11:41 @Ginjarium Should be fine. I wanted 4 in total and my sister queued to try and get a fifth and we got the lot. PhDs get first dibs! #
  • 11:42 @DitaVonTeese But it was one of his better roles?? Personally I do think Stuart Townsend is a better Lestat. #
  • 11:52 @Renfield286 I dread seeing anything of "The Vampire Diaries". Blurrghh! #
  • 11:56 @DitaVonTeese Of course 30 Days of Night is also quite great for the inhuman Vampires. I mean why do vampires have to be sexy? #
  • 12:00 @Renfield286 @DitaVonTeese Ah yeah they have that in Forbidden Planet stores. Makes me wretch. As does the Laura K Hamilton Fae based books #
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