Monday 22 March 2010

Annoying part 2

Ok so I checked my spam box about a month or so back and I had a message from people I had not expected to message me. The same friends I had issues with up in Manchester, and who I had cut myself off from, under the guise of their 'Binsraad' council, had invited me to take part in their stoner tournament. Now I have taken part in the two years before the falling out, but I found this invitation a bit weak. It was a general blanket email, not from anyone in particular. And I had previously made it known I would not socialize with particular people until some form of an apology was made. So of course I ignored it.


But then as a result they have kept messaging the same email again and again it seems. I finally responded with 'no'. That was the total of my email back. In response I have been deemed, by them, to lack manners.


Lack manners???


What the hell were they to think? I would happily give up a weekend to go up to Manchester, to get stoned, and socialize with people I no longer consider friends due to the poor treatment my wife has received from them, while any previous act of offering an olive branch by my self has been ignored? That I would go do this while my wife would have to remain behind because she is not welcome?


Sorry but fuck off. I may have considered this differently if I had been approached personally, and not under the anonymity of their precious 'council', as a way of bridging the divide. But no this is just a stealth way of saying 'It's all ok if you come. But we won't actually say sorry to your face first'. Again more of the same shit where I have to openly make the first step in saying sorry. To say sorry for something that is no longer my fault. For things I expected a greater understanding for.


I am tired of this hypocrisy and cowardly ways. This inivitation was no olive branch.

Posted via web from Doctor Ether's posterous

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