Monday 8 March 2010

Weekend and Stuff

So what has been going on in the last week or so?


Well since the last update I have finished my application to the Leverhulme Trust and I am hoping to get all the references in for that very soon. The last weekend involved a trip down to London, and this weekend just gone we went to Birmingham. It's really weird having money to spend once again. More inportantly Sam is happy she can spend money again. My purchase in Brum failed though. It was an unusual shirt from H&M, but once we got it home we noticed that the button holes were fucked. Fortunately the H&M in Leamington refunded us but of course don't stock the same line, nor will they be able to get it in. Arse. So instead the money went on nice new patent leather black shoes which will come in handy for smart occasions.


Otherwise this coming weekend is London for Aiko's birthday, and then the weekend after that is Manchester and Liverpool to see Sam's cousin and his new baby (we went baby present buying in Brum leading to brooding feelings.... some stuff we saw was quite cute), and to have a mini reunion with my UMIST/Manchester Chemistry crowd now that we have be cast to the four corners since all graduating.


On the work front I've been retraining my model on a new database, finishing coding tweaks for the entire group, and now coding up a new multi-objective conformational searching method that would be of use for molecular docking and polymorphism.


On the RP front this week and last week are session free since Mark is being operate on etc so I have had a chance to catch up with writing the last of the Ordo Dracul NPCs and then the independant NPCs and the chapter (and essentially the Manchester book for Vampire) will be complete. Also read most of Cthulhu tech which has been really good but I doubt I will be running it any time soon.

Posted via web from Doctor Ether's posterous

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