Wednesday 3 March 2010


OK so you remember that big falling out I had with the rp guys up in Manchester.


Well just after it all I posted on a LJ of one of the writers for white wolf. It was talk of a game, one I have recently bought, Cthulhu Tech.

I had posted that (without naming) that the ex-friend in general had mentioned cthulhu tech. My words were 'ex-friend (long story)' and also I said it was surprising that he had picked up this game due to it's heavy anime feel.

Well just today the same ex-friend found the writers lj with respect to his white wolf work. Fair enough. But then, finding the comment I had made on a post 3 months ago posted 'LOL'.

Ok I know I took a swipe at him back then, and things were tense back then. But for that type of comment today when it is clear as day I made that comment back in the heat of the moment. Well. Was there really any need? I mean just to reignite things?


That or I maybe reading into 'LOL' too much.


Oh well back to work.

Posted via web from Doctor Ether's posterous