Thursday 12 November 2009

A Secret Transmission within the Guild

  • 15:48 Is wondering what city to choose for Geist. I have Manchester UK for VtR, WtF, MtA, Venice for CtL. #
  • 15:49 Plus I plan on running Promethean as a Europe road trip, Manchester to Russia and back again. But where for Geist? Somewhere American? #
  • 15:50 Or maybe Venice again since I have written shit loads for that setting for Changeling (right now working on Court politics for that setting) #
  • 15:53 @digitalraven York would be good. Oh I've got mantle rules for Carnival sort out now. THe court is feeling like a combination of the others #
  • 15:54 @digitalraven .. but with the concept of sacrifice. So they get the magic, the mystery, the fear, paranoia and feeling of loss. #
  • 15:55 @digitalraven but embody the idea of sacrifice, 'farewell to the flesh'. Makes sense for the Lost to say goodbye to their mortal self. #
  • 15:57 @digitalraven I was thinking of looking at the old Wraith books, especially with an eye towards Germany. #
  • 16:00 The wife has suggested LA, San Francisco or NYC. We've both been to NYC plus it's covered in the Geist appendix. #
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