Thursday 5 November 2009

A Secret Transmission within the Guild

  • 14:04 @jachilli Does look awesome. #
  • 15:03 @eddyfate @Renfield286 My groups past + present do 'chargen'. 'Rollup' doesn't appear, even when we did roll dice when trying out Nephilim #
  • 15:09 @digitalraven True. It took epic amounts of time! What did you make of the changeling stuff? Now plotting for it :) #
  • 15:34 @digitalraven Ohhh.... It sounds either very strange or very scary. My first thought takes me back to Fading Suns. #
  • 15:55 @Renfield286 Thinking that we have a meetup in Brum sometime. Leamington is too boring and is lacking other goths (the count is 4) :( #
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