Sunday 15 November 2009

Loosing friends.

Well it finally came to a head. And at the heart of it all I feel fucked around with by a number of people.

I refer back to this post

Basically I tried to extend the olive branch recently to those I felt I had a problem with and they flat out refused to acknowledge Sam. It seems the person I shared the above emails with, in confidence, blabbed it all and so has ruined my attempts to carry on despite it.

Even better the people who have been honest with me (including the one I spoke to in the emails) have flat out denied/lied that they ever had those views. This has then led to Sam being accused of shit stirring.

My conclusion - it seems that these 'friends' don't even speak the truth to each other, so that when person does say something they deny it or just say that they are lying. It's a shame as I thought they were friends.

Well lets just say final nails have been hammered in and it seems those that I thought were the problem either a) are or b) have had the same interference as we have had and so that is why things have been difficult.

Well considering I have not seen these 'friends' in over year then it's no loss really. Just sad because it seems like myself and one of them are very frustrated because we never had a problem to begin with. Sigh.